
Writing Photography Rambling

April 09, 2005 12:00AM

It's a Pay Week

I got paid late last night, or early this morning, whichever way you want to look at it... and the following is what resulted because of this payment.

I woke up at 8am, got dressed, made breakfast and got ready for work... the normal, only four hours beforehand. I got on a Wellington; it was gorgeous out. The sun was filling my body with melatonin, and I was smiling and felt awake and aware, something that only hits me once a month. The bus ride took about a half hour... perhaps a few minutes more; I got off at Masonville Mall, and walked across the street to Futureshop.

I knew what I wanted; I walked in and well... Went through some bullshit with the customer service lady about getting a Futureshop Credit card... let's just say I don't have one. I walked straight to the portable audio section and pointed at the glass. Well.. no one was around, so little occured. Yeah... the people there all work on commision, yet I was standing there pointing at what I wanted for five to ten minutes and not one person even glanced at me... it wasn't until I actually approached a group of them before one of them called across the store for some guy to help me. I said, me wants that *grunt* *point*. He went into the back and got it. I also picked up the accessory I wanted for it and around ten minutes later he returned, I paid, it was approved and off I was.

I'm now a proud owner of my Apple iPod 20GB and a pair of nice, professional Sony headphones. Thank you lord, I no longer have to listen to retarded people on the way to work (and to anyone reading this who is retarded, I apologize.)

Sony Headphone link
Apple iPod 20gb link

Now shift forward a bit. Emily's back from work, and decides she too wants to spend some of her income. We hop on a bus BACK to Masonville, go to Futureshop to find out they have shit all in the way of MP3 reading Discmans, so we head back to Sears where we find the perfect one. The rest of the hundered hours spent there was Emily shopping and me sitting on the bench listening to various tunes (I can do that now!!) One thing worth mentioning is that before I agreed to leave, we had to at least visit the Eb Games once.. and we did, and emily suggest I blow some more moeny on Doom 3... so I did. I got the Doom 3 Collectors Edition and holy shit. Holy shit. It's in this sleek ol' metal case, all black and shizzle. I'll talk more about the actual game when I put more hours into it, but if anyone remembers what I said about the PC version, the review will most likely be a favourable one.

I'm leaving out a bunch of stuff but I'm having a hard time writing as it is. I have to get to bed because I have work tomororow.

513 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I was with Emily
  • I worked at Stream


January 01, 2000
yesterday was fun.

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