
Writing Photography Rambling

February 16, 2005 12:00AM

bah to you

Everyone's complaining because I haven't updated in a long time, so I suppose I should, just so people don't start showing up at my door with weapons.

I went to the doctors yesterday, and talked to him a lot; since I can't afford a psychologist, he's kind of filling in. Obviously our sessions aren't an hour long, but he just talks with me about things, and it's nice to hear things from a different perspective that doesn't include swearing or threatening. I had to get blood work done, and he also gave me my first perscription of Lithium. I've already taken 6 or so, and I've yet to feel any different at all, I'm still screaming at things, I still have very little patients for anything at all, I still think sad things... I was hoping for a more immediate effect. On the up side, I also haven't felt any side effects at all, which makes me question if the drug is even doing anything... something as strong as lithium you'd think I'd feel a bit of nausia or something.. but nope, I can't even tell I'm taking them... which is disappointing.

Today is going pretty shitty. I miss Emily, and I'm bored and depressed, but what's new right? I've been playing SSX 3 consistently for weeks now, as well as other games on and off; Final Fantasy Origins, Breath of Fire 4, Final Fantasy Tactics and at times Star Ocean, although Im getting super pissed off at the retarded item creation, which is stopping me from completing the game, and after about five minutes I just get so pissed off and frustrated that I throw the controller and turn off my PS2.

All in all, not much has changed.

287 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I was with Emily


January 01, 2000
im glad you got to talk to someone

January 01, 2000
Lithium takes like at least a week to see some effect, and up to three weeks to feel the full effects :p

January 01, 2000
well..at least you're getting help. hopefully it starts to work soon. Feel better.

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