
Writing Photography Rambling

February 16, 2013 10:34PM

Valentine's Week

It was recently Valentine's Day, but obviously I didn't write anything because it's just been so crazy busy, but I suppose I have a few minutes now where I can sit down and write about my small, but awesome and cool experience.

Well... that makes it sound like it was a huge thing, but in fact, it was a small thing... a small thing that was just perfect. The right thing at the right time.

I came home from school, completely expecting nothing out of the ordinary, but Bekki had made me a card, bought me a cinnabun and bought me a bottle of red wine. It was such a small act, but such a meaningful one to me. It sounds stupid to say that material gifts mean so much, but it's true sometimes. Completely unexpected or unsololicited gifts just blow me away.

It's hard to describe without sounding weird, but I mean... saying I love you and you're great or whatever... it means A LOT the first few times, because you know the risk, the vulnerability and the power that comes with saying those things, but after a long time it becomes automatic, and carries less weight, as it's more of a reflex. Getting a gift, just... it shows that there was time taken to think "what would make him happy" or "what could I do to show him I love him" and that makes me feel so special and so cared for, and I loved it.

She does it all the time, but this was extra special, and I'd like to publicly state how special it was.

So... I did!

We both work in the service industry, so it's been valentine's week basically, Thursday to Sunday... Valentine's dinner's, no time to enjoy our own relationship, but we're still madly in love, so we don't need a special day to focus on it, because it's just always there.

Wedding invitations are out and received by most, hopefully we'll be getting response cards back soon, and we can really start to bring this thing together. We need to buy wedding bands soon, and finish our outfits for the wedding.

Lots to do... school... wedding, work... never ends. Next week I have three or four more midterms, which I'm a bit more confident with than last weeks (I failed my patterns midterm worth 25% of my grade) so... while I hate myself with a burning rage for failing myself, I just need to move on and improve.

I work tomorrow at 7am, so I'm going to lay down soon... maybe read Walking Dead. I finished the first half of season three of the Walking Dead tonight, so I just have one more episode and I'm up to date, and I can start to PVR it and watch it on tv in HD! I'm pretty excited about that. I'm also at the end of Final Fantasy XIII-2, and I'm just going through and collecting the available fragements before fighting the final boss, and once that's over, I can go back and get the fragements you can only get after you've completed the game once... and after I've got all the fragements, I can go and finish the game a special way to view a secret ending, and then I'll consider the game completely mastered, and move on to Ni No Kuni, which I'm also excited for.

Today was a bit of a better day, and I hope next week is good as well. I'm attempting to plan a serious grocery shop tomorrow so that we can have a good, healthy stock of food, which is essential to my comfort and happiness, as funny as it sounds.

Here's hoping that my numbers start to go up.

622 words

  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I was dating Bekki
  • I worked at Windermere

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