
Writing Photography Rambling

April 29, 2003 12:46PM

Apparantly I'm still Mr. No Updatey

I've been working, or punching the walls... either one, I haven't been updating.

Yesterday I went out and bought a PS2 and FFX, my last "big" purchase before college tuition... I needed something to show for my hard work... I really did. I can't help but feel guilty about spending the money, but I talked to my Mom and she told me to relax, I'll go no matter what, so that makes it easier. I still need to buy a PS2 Save Card and then I'll be done spending for awhile (a few months).

So far FFX is turning out to be pretty amazing. From what I've gathered so far, it's a Story Driven RPG (rather than a gameplay driven), which means really deep characters and plot... which has been quite impressive. It starts out really confusing, but it comes together quite nicely, making for a few "ooooooh" points in the game. Mind you, I'm not very far, only an hour and a half into the game, and I'm just understand the leveling and new battle system, but from what I've seen so far, it's got potential. The main character isn't a natural hero or anything of the sort.. in fact he's a star athlete who would rather eat and sign autographs than fight monsters... although he shows care and compastion to people, even those he doesn't know very well, so he's got the right stuff to be a hero.. I think they came up with a very unique character there.

I've still been playing FFIX through the day while Linzie is at school, but lately I've just wanted to play FFX, cause I got a new toy but I can't even play it! I am playing the game with Linzie, which means I have to wait for her to get home everyday before I can even touch it! Booo!!! Oh well, I think in the end it'll be fun to go through the game with Linzie, besides FFIX is amazingly fun anyway.

Work is work.. that's about all for that...

I saw Owen the other day, which was nice. He lent me his PS2 Save Card so I could save my game, which was awesome of him. Saved my ass, cause I would have had to keep the system on for hours and hours, no I don't feel as much pressure about going out and spending money I don't have. Maybe I can wait until I get paid next before I get one... I guess I'll see what happens.

I have no chips and no coke... I think I'm dying. I'm going out tomorrow and spending money on them... I don't care. It's neccessary. I'm going to fucking load up on that shit!! FO SHO!!!

Well anyway... I guess that's it for now, like you're even interested. Stupid frauds!!

470 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut


January 01, 2000
this is mostly a test but... FFX ROCKS MY ASS.

January 01, 2000
Ooooh...suicides, hahah...its original ;)

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