
Writing Photography Rambling

August 05, 2004 11:08PM

No Subject

Yesterday I woke up and messaged my Mom to come over and pick me up, as she was taking me to the bank so I could pay my visa, and then I would run over to No Frills and buy some catfood with some spare change my Mom found and donated to me. So I woke up kinda late... around 2pm, and then quickly got ready... I didn't do anything special, just threw my shoes on pretty much.. and my Mom was over before I knew it and we were off to the mall, with The Clash in hand. We of course listened to it in the car on the way, which seems to be car tradition now, as I listen to it almost any time I get a ride from my sister or my mom. It was strange how quickly my Mom said she'd come and then left.. I didn't have to talk her into it or argue with her about it.. I just said, "Mom, my visa payment is due today" and she said, "okay, im on my way". It really kinda threw me off, because I was a little worried about what she'd say or what I'd have to say to get her over here. It was nice seeing her... It's nice to have a mother around sometimes; yeah sure, she says things all the time, gets on my case and gives me a hard time about everything, and i hate it, but it's what she's supposed to do for me, and I respect that and I would never turn away from her.

So we spent a little time at the bank doing whatever it was we went there for... my Mom did some banking as well; she deposited money, then payed her own visa, then updated her ancient bank book using the ATM (haha) and that took awhile, but I waited paitently and didn't care... but I still think she should get her monthly statements in the mail, rather than keeping a bank book.. banking has evolved beyond that! Get with the times!! Afterwards we drove over to No Frills and went in, to pick up some catfood. While I was going to pick it up, my Mom told me to not worry about paying, that she'd cover the cost. Then she offered to buy me something for supper, and then she offered to buy me Coke and chips as a treat.. I was overwhelmed, as I didn't expect any of it... So I ended up getting a package of ground beef, a can of corn, an 18 pack of Coke, Doritos and salt and vinegar chips, and a big bag of catfood, as well as two bags of perogies (which are only $1 each anyway), so I'm packed up for a bit on food, which is awesome, as I was really low for a bit there. I'm basically living off free pizza and pop from Pizza Hut, and perogies I cook at 3 in the morning to eat when Emily and I are playing games... other than that, I cook any fries I have, but they're pretty much gone now, and I still try to make spagetthi but I'm quickly running out of sauce to use.. so I'm in some trouble but I'll be fine... because I'm always fine. always.

When we got back to my place, my Mom helped me set up my answering machine, which is old and crappy and plays back the messages gargled and distorted but you can still make them out, so it's usefull at least... she put the answering message on it for me, and then when she got home she called to test it out... it seems to work, so thats a bonus... so now, everyone who has my phone number, whether it be local or long distance, call and leave funny messages!! DO IT!! I want to press the button after the light flashes and listen to them! I'll feel so loved and special! I never get calls from friends, it's always my mom or my sister hehe.. oh well, you people hate me.. *cries* anyway, call if you have my number, and if you don't have my number, find it. somehow.

After my Mom had left and I had settled back into my 'doing nothing' state, Sarah messaged me and asked if I wanted to accompany her and Owen downtown to put up posters and hand out resumes, so after quickly conferencing with Emily, I told her that we would gladly go with them, and so we got ready and got picked up by Sarah (ooh, someone with a car!). We walked around for about an hour or so, putting up posters for their upcoming show (as seen below - the last entry) everywhere we could fit one, including one to someones welcome mat in front of their door, and a few other random places, but mostly on actual sign post thingies that they have spread around downtown for the purpose of advertising shows. The next show coming up, at Call The Office, is a big deal, because playing at a venue like CTO, they will get a lot of exposure, because it is one of the two biggest concert venues (hopefully the disent will get big too), so if they can pull in a big crowd and really get it going, than maybe the can have regular gigs there... maybe they can start creating a bigger fan base, and really get the support going.. so I'm exited for my boys, because I think this is a part of the ticket to success. Back on topic though... after we had decided we had put up enough posters, Owen and Sarah wanted to get some Thai food, so we went over and they ordered from a very scary man with a really bad sense of humour, and waited around for a few minutes while it cooked. I had a pretty bad headache the whole time though, but it was nice to hang out with them... I should really do it more often. By the time we got home, I was starving and my headache had only gotten worse, so while Owen and Sarah ate their Thai food in my room (watching Bye Bye Greasey), I made spagetthi for our supper (mind you, this was at 10pm). I cooked Spagetthi with 5-cheese sauce, with ground beef in it. mmmm, twas yummy! So very yummy... Shortly afterwards, Owen and Sarah had to take off because Owen was tired and whatever, and so off they went, as I was serving dinner, which I so totally enjoyed, and Emily and I watched episodes of Home Movies with our dinner. Oh I love that show, did I mention that yet? Hmm.. well, I do. I love Home Movies. watch it. go now. and watch it. watch it now. why arent you watching it. fine. be like that. you fucker.

The rest of the night was spent watching Emily play Final Fantasy 6 for a good few hours. She witnessed a few key events in the game, a few plot twists and huge events and stuff and it was enjoyable to watch her reaction and stuff.. wheeee.. I've also been playing the game lately, quite a bit today actually. I'm motivated to play because I want to create the perfect characters again, like I used to do on SNES. I want to create them all with max vigor, all the best items, all the espers and everything. So it's keeping me playing through all the loading times and stuff, just to have a completed, perfect save file. After I'm finished with FF6, I'm planning on playing through Final Fantasy 4, because I just recently found out that they retranslated it from the original japanese cartridge, so it really really enhances the story, because you get attatched to the characters much better, and there is more passion and emotion in the story, that was cut out before, some due to content cuts, others due to poor translation, but I AM looking forward to playing through that game, as it really has been years since I've played from the beginning to the end of 4. Exciting!! There are so many games I want to play through now, it's awesome. After 4 I want to eventually play Chrono Trigger, FF5, FF7, FF8 (with Emily) and so many others.. oooh, I can't wait. I guess that's also my motivation for playing through Final Fantasy 6.. just so I can get on to new games hehe. but speaking of playing Final Fantasy 6...

In fact, it's pretty much what I did all day until about 6pm, when I got up and made supper - meat loaf, mashed potatos and corn. After supper, Emily played a bit more Final Fantasy 6 while I played Zuma and watched... and then I got on the computer and noticed my image hosting webspace is dangerously full, so I open almost every image on it, in Adobe, and then saved them at lower qualities, cutting the size in half in some cases, and then saving over them, so I opened up a lot of free space by doing that, with very little noticable drop in quality... so that took a while actually, bu now that it's done, I won't have to do it again, and I just have to pay attention to the size of the images that I use. After I finished changing all the images, I started updating this.. and I'm doing horribly. I can't seem to get anything out.. and when I do get something out, it's uncreative, boring and dead. It seems the only time I write anything worthwhile is when I'm on my sleeping pills and I'm feeling high as a kite. That's kind of a depressing thing to realize.. in order to do anything in my life, it seems I have to be drugged up or drunk.. bah. bah to that indeed. So tomorrow I have to bring in Kairi to the vet again, for a few more shots. My Mom is coming to pick Emily and I up at 1:00pm or so, so I have to be up earlier than normal, which is funny because it's 1pm, and that's early for me.. haha. After the appointment at the vets, I'm going to the movies with Michelle, to see The Day After Tomorrow and eat my large butter with popcorn. I'm kind of excited for that.. it's been too long since my last movie with Michelle.

I'm really, really having a hard time writing, so I'm going to stop now, and come back to this in a few hours, once I'm on my sleeping pills, and go back to fill out the rest of the paragraph(s). Add some more sentances, beef it up, maybe add an image or two.. at least make it worth reading.. sorry everyone.. fuck.

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

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