
Writing Photography Rambling

June 30, 2004 2:04AM

Not Much

Nothing much happened today, but I still feel like writing, so that's what I'm doing. I woke up around 1pm, played some Max Payne 1 and 2, and started organizing and going through the drawers in my desk, taking breaks every so often to talk to Dylan. About three quarters of the way through the organizing, Emily came online, so I talked to her. It ended up making me sad, just because it reminds me how far away she is... for those of you who don't know, she's been in Mexico for a week, and still has a week to go. I only get to speak to her online once every three days or so, and it really really sucks, more than words can describe.

It was really nice to talk to her though.. we talked about her cats she met, and just lots of stuff, especially her ugly tan

The hardest part is of course the goodbye... it makes me really upset to see her go, because I know I can't just talk to her when I want, like if something comes up when I need someone to talk to... I just feel so helpless.. but her beautiful smile, intelligence and general awesomeness keep me smiling in between our chatting, and hopefully I can make it until next week.

Later in the night, I played a game of StarCraft and a game of WarCraft 3 with Ben. The games were really easy, but really fun because I hadn't played those games in a long time and there are a lot of good memories in them. In both games we played us vs two computers, and won both times. In StarCraft I was Zerg (random) and Ben was Terran (random) and in WarCraft 3 I was Undead (random) and Ben was Night Elf. Both games Ben almost died at the begginning but I saved him, haha. What a loser! BIG LOSER! hah. and I think that's about everything.

See how uneventful this day was? I dunno why I'm even writing anything about it.. I could have just fit it into it's own paragraph for the next time I actually have something to write about. Boh well.. I can probably think of a few more thinsg to talk about I guess. Tomorrow Tony is going to go out and buy another copy of StarCraft and Brood War (his fifth purchase I believe) so he can play once and awhile with Ben and I, as that's what we used to do, and how I met him really, so that should lead to some fun games and making fun of each other and stuff.

Speaking of Tony.. awhile ago he sent me a very, very interesting link that I recommend everyone reading this to check out. It's a feature created by a photographer who drives through the chernobyl, and takes pictures and write captions and some text, and it was just a really interesting read. It took about a half hour to get through and I was sad that it ended because I just wanted to keep seeing more. So go check that out. Here's the link of course: http://www.kiddofspeed.com/chapter1.html. Props to Tony on this find.

I guess that's it for today. I listened to a lot of White Stripes today, as well as a Perdition remix by Dave, and a few other things here and there. Tomorrow Michelle is supposed to come over and cook me food, so I'll let you know how that goes!

i miss her so much... it hurts deep inside

593 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

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