
Writing Photography Rambling

May 15, 2004 3:35PM

Apparently She Floats My Boat

Where shall I start? I spent the day with Michelle, she came over around 3:30, and we played video games for a bit. We then walked to the mall because the unimaginably stupid busses were early, or late or whatever, so we had to walk all the way to the mall and catch the 7 Wavell, downtown.

Once we were downtown, we scrambled to the Galleria, Rainbow Cinemas and bought tickets and popcorn for 50 First Dates, which was very entertaining. I like Adam Sandler a lot, so maybe I was biased, but I really enjoyed that movie, even though it was corny :) After that movie, since I have absolutly no ability to entertain even a cat, we bought tickets for another movie, The Punisher, which was entertaining enough. Considering what they had to work with, I think they did a great job. Good for a Marvel flick.

So, after the movies, it was late and both Michelle and my own buses were running on their last run, so I waited with Michelle to make sure she got on the bus, and then ran across the street and caught my own. About half way home on the bus, Chad got on the bus!! He went on about doing E and smoking a lot of weed and I just nodded, but.. it was nice to see the bastard again anyway. He wanted to come to my house so we could get drunk and smoke weed, but since.. i'm a respectable human being, I politly passed on the offer.

I was in a pretty shitty mood on the way home, and it didn't go away once I had arrived, although I was forced (thankfully) to walk in the rain a bit to get to my apartment. I walked the slowest I had ever walked before, and stared up into the sky and took deep breathes, because for a few seconds, that was my heaven. Of course it all rushed itself away and I walked through my door, but.. it was nice while it lasted.

I don't really remember what I did for the first half of the night. Mostly just wanted to go into the bath tub and never come out, but Ally talked me down, which resulted in my crying and just sitting bored.

Anywho, I was pretty much ready to take my four pills, play some Disgaea and get to sleep, as I didn't very much want to be concious any longer. Just as I was opening my Coke to take my pills with, someone added me to MSN. Naturally I just sighed and thought, "Great, another person who's gonna ask me "what music I listen to". Turns out it was something awesome! I have a new friend! Her name is Emily and she's so beautiful! And, she's addicited to Coke, and likes games, and .. and.. well, somehow I talked to her, with two way webcamming as well, for hours and hours, until early this morning! oh, and she's pretty too!! Anyway, for some reason, even though I just met her last night, and only talked to her for a few hours, I'm missing her A LOT right now, as I sit here without her online. I really just want to go back to sleep, maybe disappear. yes, that will do nicely.

Lately I've been listening to an abundance of Covenent and Razed In Black. I'm addicted to the songs Blush, Call The Ships To Port and Dead Stars. I recommend you do the same. right now. go. do it. why aren't you doing it? so what if you don't have speakers. it's the thought that counts. yeah. .thats right.

I feel like total crap, and I DON'T want to go out tonight. I just want to snuggle and watch movies. Will anyone snuggle and watch movies? anyone.. hello? ah.. shit.

638 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily

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