
Writing Photography Rambling

June 09, 2006 1:39AM

Too Long

Headache after headache, rarely feeling comfortable... this is the story of my days.

Today Michelle, Ally, Mark and myself went to the market for various things... mainly Ice Cream, but also bread and mushrooms just cause. We sat around and ate our snacks, and walked around a bunch, eventually going to the brewery for booze, and then Ally went home, and Mark came back to my place to hang out for the rest of the day, till it was later (like.. 9:30 or something.. time went way fast).

I ripped a bunch of my DVDs and stuff.. Handbreak is da shit yo.

I also took a picture for the first time in months. woo pictures...

114 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


June 09, 2006

I did go home, only to lock my hair dye in my mail box for no good reason. Yay pretty pictures :)

June 09, 2006

Score for a picture, it's my new desktop! at work!

Sarah MacDonald
June 10, 2006

Took me forever to remember my password for you site! hehe.
Very pretty picture, Jord-e-o!

June 11, 2006


June 11, 2006


Nice seeing you for five seconds today!

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