
Writing Photography Rambling

October 30, 2006 1:50PM

LA Confidential

I just finished watching the 1997 movie L.A. Confidential with Russel Crow, Kevin Spacey, the dude from Memento and the guy who flew warp speed for the first time. It was a pretty cool movie, considering I haven't seen all that many detective mystery type movies, and while I did find myself bored through various parts of it, I think it was just the mood I was in, and not to be blamed on the movie.

I have a feeling that today is going to be very boring and slow, as I'm alone and have no plans. I guess I have sweet shows to look forward to tonight (Prison Break and Heroes!) but until then, I'll probably switch between various shows (Fresh Prince, Early Edition, Seven Days or Home Movies). I might play Beyond Good & Evil or Disgaea 2 a bit, but I'm not really in the mood to play anything right now, probably because all I want to do is play Final Fantasy XII, so anything else is just wrecked for now.

Also, I'm hungry for nourishment but have nothing to get any from, so while living off of ice cream and popcorn sounds good on paper, it really leaves you feeling like death.

On another note, I've almost reached 1 Terabyte in data downloaded using torrents, which is pretty awesome. I'm totally going to take a screenshot when it reaches my goal hehe.

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