
Writing Photography Rambling

October 30, 2006 12:55AM

Longest Day EVAR

Today seemed like the longest day ever.. I wonder why *looks directly at the clock*

I played Beyond Good & Evil quite a bit today and it was lots of fun, considering I have never got beyond the first save point due to lack of genuine interest, even though everyone on the PA boards always talk about how much of a masterpiece of gaming history it is, today I finally said.. "I can tell it's kickass and I haven't even played it" so I just put it in and played, and holy crap it's fun. You run around and take pictures with your camera, and search for pearls and money, and fight enemies... weee. It's like a mix between Jak & Daxter and Pokemon Snap! SRSLY.

Mark called me today so that I could send him some music, and the easiest way for both of us would be to do it through torrents, so after he called me I went to the computer, talked with him for a bit about what he wanted, and then published a couple of torrents which he successfully downloaded, and eventually tons of other people started getting them as well. If any of you are interested, there are quite a few seeds now, as well as myself, so download away:

Rise Against (2 Albums)

Mike Doughty - Skittish

I just finished watching last nights SNL which was hosted by Hugh Lauri (House!) and it was great, lots of funny sketches and it was great to see him in a comedic role.

One more freakin day until Final Fantasy XII! I'm so god damn excited! Although I'm angry because every EBGames/Gamestop are having a midnight party thing where you can go Monday night/Tuesday morning and get the game and shit, but nooooo, EBGames in London Ontario probably won't even get it on Tuesday. They also don't carry the collectors edition strategy guide which reeeaally pisses me off because it's something I would've liked to collect with my collectors edition game! Assholes!

334 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


October 30, 2006

It really was the longest day ever!

I enjoyed watching you play Beyond Good & Evil, it's a cool game. And the dog is cute!

AND tomorrow at THIS TIME (1:07pm) you'll have FINAL FANTASY XII!

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