
Writing Photography Rambling

May 03, 2007 6:01PM

It's not supposed to be so cold

New Album Cover

I'm not sure where to start. I thought I would open this entry with an old picture of something... no idea why but I thought that'd be cool, so I went and looked through old pictures and that just quickly made me feel like total shit, so I decided against that and closed the finder window. So... open the entry with text... yes, that seems like a much better idea. Maybe I'll close with an image, maybe I won't! Stay tuned!

So my weather widget says that it's 16 out right now (the high for today) and yet my hands are freezing and I had to close my window because it was so cold. What's the deal with that? Why am I so cold if it's so warm out? I want to be able to have all my windows open and I want a warm breeze to come in. Bah!

I got the new Marilyn Manson album today, Eat Me Drink Me, and I've listened to about half of it and I like it. Following a lot of his last album, he's really departed from the heavier rock sound from Anti-christ/Holywood and much like Mechanical, this album is more upbeat and more electronicy. I enjoy the new direction, as it keeps it fresh and not repetitive, and everyone likes music you can dance to. I also recently got all the Stone Temple Pilots album and two Freezepop albums I've been looking for forever and ever.

I recently completed Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal (100% completed) so I might write a bit of a review later today or tomorrow before it's been too long. I finished Full Spectrum Warrior a long ass time ago (weeks) and didn't write a review so I might still attempt that as well, because if I wait too long I just won't remember the things I liked and disliked. I'm about halfway through Splinter Cell: Double Agent (pretty much the only game besides Pokemon Pearl that I've been playing on a daily basis) and I'm enjoying it a lot. In about two days that will change... Guitar Hero!

I felt like getting out of the house yesterday because it was beautiful out and, well, it had been almost 10 years since I voluntarily went to someones place without being asked to. I went to Ally's place and let her borrow my GBA SP so she can play her copy of Pokemon Gold with a backlight and lith battery, and let her borrow my Super GameBoy so when she was at home, she could play her Pokemon Gold on her big ol' TV screen. Once I was there, we chilled and I mainly watched her play Pokemon (which is surprisingly satisfying). She played for about an hour and then we watched an episode of House and afterwards I played some Trauma Center (Rank C bitches!) and eventually left to go home when she had to go to work. It was a lot of fun, and nice to 'bust my cycle' of staying in and not having contact with other human beings.

I had Spaghetti/veggies/garlic bread for supper, and watched an episode of Friends, and then spent the evening playing Pokemon and listening to the Full Moon Show (Insomniac Games podcast) and an episode of the GFW Podcast (part of the 1Up network). I like listening to podcasts while I lay in bed and play Pokemon because the game doesn't require that much attention so I can just lay and grind while paying 90% attention to the podcast, and it makes time go by faster.

When Michelle got home, we played a Pokemon battle (4v4), some Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, I had a bath, we had a Pokemon rematch, and then we watched The Daily Show and Colbert Report and I went to bed.

Ally from June of 2005

Today it's unnaturally cold in my apartment, I'm about all out of chips and pop, and I'm already bored and tired... so it's not going all that well. I'm going to see if I have enough change laying around for a can or bottle of pop, so I can eat some soda crackers with some lubrication, and then probably go from game to game not really getting any satisfaction from any of them.

Ally's probably coming over tonight for Heroes, so that's fun, and something to look forward to.

Basically I'm just excited each day about Saturday when we can go and buy Guitar Hero 2 and maybe 1. Michelle's gonna call tomorrow (I think tomorrow) to see if EB has either of them. I'm way super excited. Damn you Darcy for making me play and fall in love with a new game! I need to play Pokemon! Not be distracted by some awesome music game!

Oh yeah, and there were some server side problems last night that were out of my hands. Tons of php runtime errors were displayed on the page (on this page, and all other pages hosted.. so games, movies, etc) and to fix it last night I simply added a line of code to the script that suppresses all errors from displaying (even fatal errors) but Tony fixed it by the morning so everything should be fine. I should probably take out that line of code now but I'm way lazy. Tony is the roxxors, just so you all know.

888 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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