
Writing Photography Rambling

February 08, 2006 12:00AM

Ah! Music!

While I play StarCraft at night, I usually have Winamp running in the background, playing random songs selected from my library. As you may or may not know, my library is giant, as well as diverse.. so out of... boredom maybe.. or because I thought it was funny, I took a shot of the 'recently played' list, for your viewing pleasure.. it kinda gives a hint as to how wide my tastes in music goes.

click it to get full size

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


January 01, 2000
Yours is so much bigger then mine...and I don't mean library size. Ok, yes I do.

January 01, 2000
I see no wallflowers on that list! XD

January 01, 2000
most of those look good to me... i think when i finally get around to getting another bigger hard drive i'll go back to storing my music in sub directories. (used to have it seperated by genre so if i was in a certain mood i wouldn't have to sort through

January 01, 2000
yay ted leo!

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