
Writing Photography Rambling

February 08, 2016 8:50PM

The Knee Shakes

Sunday I ended up getting more into Diablo 3 than I had recently been.

That was an awkward sentence.

Recently I have been playing Diablo 3, but getting kind of bored really quickly, usually by the time I would finish a set of bounties, I would be itching to stop playing. On Sunday, I had made the plan to play a console game for a good amount of time in order to try to get re-interested in a game. I ended up just playing Diablo 3 all day, and having a blast!

I started getting good items, and getting powerful, and it really just started to be a lot of fun, instead of borderline boring. I listened to podcasts, relaxed, and played Diablo 3 on and off for the afternoon.

I did some chores of course, including taking the dog out the backyard with me and burning all our burnables. It was fun... while I waited for the flames to grow, I'd find a giant branch from our brush pile and show it to Ashe, and she'd go all crazy trying to pull it and break pieces of. Very cute, and I helped her hold parts of it down so she could snap them off. Team work!

Today was Monday, and Mondays aren't always the best. Today wasn't so bad though, and work went pretty quickly. I pretty much just did documentation all day, with a few requests to fix things or install whatever from time to time. It was a fairly uneventful day.

Everyday I feel like I get migraine symptoms, and it's very very tiring. I feel like shit all the time. I feel headachy and dizzy, all the time. I never feel okay, I am always physically a mess. It's wearing me down so much. I have a doctor's appointment at the end of the month, so I guess I'll talk about it then. I don't really know what to say because I don't want to give up. If I complain about feeling like garbage he might just take me off without a choice, or he'll just ask if I want to keep going, and if I say yes, then no change, so it feels like a kind of bad situation.

Tonight we're watching the rest of an episode of Life that we started last night, and then moving on to an episode of Portlandia or Brooklyn Nine Nine, and then heading to bed.

Tomorrow for lunch we're going to have sandwiches, cause it seems easier than making a sandwhich at this point, and I'm tired and don't feel like doing much else. We'll see how I feel in the morning, and that will decide what we have.

So yeah, Diablo 3 is a ton of fun, and I'm looking forward to playing it at least a little bit every evening, and maybe some more on the weekend. I don't really have anything else to say at this point, so I'm going to hit the save entry button.

515 words

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  • I lived in Rodney
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki
  • Bekki is Pregnant

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