
Writing Photography Rambling

May 26, 2011 10:30PM


Today was terrible.

There was just this perfect combination of crap that came together to form the ultimate terrible day, and oh yes, please, let me inform you.

The majority of the bullshit took place between 7am and 12pm, but... here we go. There were two of us in, just two, until 12pm, which is not normal. Usually we have two of us in early, then someone in right before lunch service starts, usually around 11am, and we usually have a second dishwasher, Sibo, who takes on the responsibilities of setting up our pasta buffet so that we cooks can focus on other matters. Anyway, we had 90 people in for breakfast, which means our breakfast cook is stuck over there all morning, until like.. 10am or so. That means, it was pretty much just me to do everything that needed to be done for both lunch service and any banquet stuff we had.

I warmed all the soups, chili, meatballs, made quiche, made a batch of butternut, cooked off pasta, got calls to bring things over to the cafe for breakfast service, then there was an offsite catering order for five sandwiches and a salad and some stupid tiny crudite, and we had our first BBQ of the year I had to get everything ready for, including making shit loads of wraps for it and cooking all the meat off, and then we had breaks we needed to make cookies and squares for, and basically this entire time I'm keeping cool and slightly organized but it was a bit too much. I felt like my wheels were spinning and I could never get ahead. When I finished one thing, there were always two more things that needed to get done.

I had wanted to make pasta salad, so I cooked off the pasta for it around 8am, and I didn't get to make it until about 2:30pm... yeah... it was one of those days. I noticed around 11am that I was feeling the warning signs of a migraine coming, and I've learned that there is nothing to do to avoid it or fix it once I feel it. I drank water all day, I ate a hotdog at like 2pm, I took two motrin... nothing helped. I felt my sinuses ache, my eyes were heavy and sore, and a slight headache was forming. It got worse and worse, by the time I got home I felt sick and it was full blown migraine.

I couldn't eat dinner, couldn't really think... I somehow managed to work on excessive gaming a bit, adding in a preferences feature that I had planned the night before, got that working while listening to the morning stream, but by the time I got that implemented, I felt so sick and shitty that I went and laid down, and fell asleep instantly.

When I woke up, not sure how much later it was, I had a microwaveable mini-pizza, and felt a bit better. I still have a headache but the sleep seemed to ease the pain a bit. I didn't really do much afterward, it was already about 8pm, and I felt the night winding down, since I was still tired and tomorrow is going to be a long day, I figured I should keep it low key so I could go to sleep early. I watched Jimmy Fallon and Modern Family while I played Final Fantasy 4, and afterward had a bath.

Now that I've had my bath, and written this entry, I think I'll do something for thirty minutes until 11pm and then go to sleep (hopefully).

Right now my favorite band is Swayzak, this awesome, chill, eletronica, ebm-ish, house-ish group from London, England. They sound like Royksopp, and it's awesome and relaxing and I just put it on in the rain and chill out after a hard days work.

Tomorrow is work from 7am to 5pm, but we have a second lunch guy in at 11am, Sibo is in at 9am, and Julie is in later on, so it's going to be completely different then yesterday and hopefully a lot less stressful. I hope, hope, hope that I don't get a headache or migraine tomorrow since I have to be there so late, and I hope that the day is calm and organized. That's it for now, more tomorrow.

Gross Update

Kyle told me it took him two hours to get the gauze off his toes and that's gross and makes me go EWWWWWW. That is all.

752 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


May 26, 2011

May 27, 2011
i wouldnt last a day at windermere. and ps; ew what did he go to his toe?

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