
Writing Photography Rambling

May 26, 2012 11:21PM

An Entry To Pass The Time

A few select lyrics from Bright Eyes' A Song To Pass The Time:


Don't stay so far away from me.
This weather has me wanting love more tangible.
Something I can hold cause it's getting cold.


Well, I've locked my actions in the grooves of routine.
So I may never be free of this apathy.
But I wait for a letter that is coming to me.
She sends me pictures of the ocean in an envelope.
So there still is hope.
Yes, I can be healed.
There is someone looking for what I've concealed
In my secret drawer, in my pockets deep,
You will find the reasons that I can't sleep and you will still want me.
But will you still want me? Will you still want?...

I hear that song and I can feel things moving inside of me, but like... not an alien, but more like emotion.

Today ended on a good note, but I don't want to jynx it because I feel as though I could ruin it at any time. I worked, did school work, and now it's bed time, that's all I've done today, and that really doesn't leave me much to write about.

I woke up this morning and didn't want to believe that it was the morning. I was comfortable, and not ready to be up... I set back the alarm, and slowly looked up, in an effort to convince myself that it was actually only 4am and that I didn't have to get up. It was difficult... to say the least. I didn't have a lot of time, so I quickly made coffee and some toast, and before long I was calling a cab and off to work.

Work was easy and I was proud of what I got done. I did a breakfast for 100 people or more, and also got soup and quiche ready for the cafe (cream of cauliflower and tomato, red onion, bococcini and basil quiche). At the same time as doing that, I got a picnic lunch ready for 15 people, and then started on getting a bunch of platers ready for 1pm and 3pm. I did two crudites, two cheese platers... and a bunch of other stuff. Afterward I got some brunch stuff ready, and eventually it was 3pm and I caught the bus home.

From the time I got home (roughly 4:15pm or so, until about 6:30pm) I worked on school work, specifically my ASP homework. I worked nonstop, just... work, work, work. It was getting late and I hadn't any snacks or dinner food I wanted, so after getting about halfway through the homework, I figured I'd reward myself with a walk to the grocery store and pick up a few things for some comfort.

The walk was enjoyable because I listened to the Comedy Button the whole time and that's always fun. I bought some chips, a microwavable lasagna, a coffee crisp for dessert and some romaine for a salad. When I got home, I made dinner - the lasagna and a basic caesar salad. I watched the last episode of House while I ate, and enjoyed it, although... I didn't really have anything invested in it, but I used to love the show, so I had to see how they ended it. After dinner, I went right back to school work.

I worked away until I finally got all the basic functionality that I needed, and it felt great. I was pretty miserable the entire evening working on this shit, because I was already in a bad mood. I didn't finish until about 9:45pm or so, and by that time the feeling of relief when I finished was awesome. It was a little disappointing that my entire night was consumed by it, but... what are you gonna do?

I had a bath, then watched some TV (Girls and Cash Cab)... and now I need to go to sleep. I open tomorrow, with a new brunch menu, I'm not super excited to go, but... just have to get through the day... that's a good attitude to have right?

683 words

  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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