
Writing Photography Rambling

July 31, 2011 11:15PM

Writing Without A Pen

Work was kinda of unexpectantly retarded today, mostly because there was an event I was pretty much unaware of, which on any day is a pain in the ass, but on a day like Sunday, where there is already a continental, brunch and a large wedding, it's very annoying.

I woke up a bit late this morning, as that sometimes happens, you know... staying up late, taking sleeping pills regularly, these things lead to sleeping in, generally speaking. I jumped up, got changed, had a piece of toast and some lemonade, ate a strawberry applesauce. I only had about ten minutes to eat and get dressed, so it felt a bit rushed... but I've been more rushed, and I wasn't too stressed about it.

Even though work was a bunch of bullshit... busy, a lot of work and all that fun stuff, it never got to the point of feeling stressed out, or upset or anything, there was a lot of work to do, but it was a pretty good day. Much like every Sunday I've ever written about, it started the same exact way... I go in at 7am, and from 7am to 8am, I get the hotel continental ready, which involves collecting the stuff that was prepped the night before and things that still need to be done. Things like fruit salad, yogurt, cottage cheese, a selection of bread, bagels and bakery items. Hot food includes, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, sausage and bacon. I can pretty much do it in my sleep, so it goes by quickly and smoothly and isn't ever an issue.

After continental, Julie had arrived and we both worked on getting brunch out, which was more work than usual, mainly because I didn't stay for 12 hours the day before I do it all, so there was still a lot that had to be done. Julie made a soup, and did the strawberries and hollendaise, and I organized what had been done, topped up the salads and put together the remaining items that needed to be finished.

After brunch was put out, Connor came up to me and asked me what I had done so far on the picnic lunch for 50, and as he does sometimes, I thought he was joking. As it turns out, there was a picnic lunch for 50 and I didn't know about it. To add to the annoyance of that discovery, the first table in for brunch was a table of thirty five, which is uhh.. a lot of people. So, instead of being able to start work on this picnic lunch, I had to keep replenishing brunch food as that large group went through. Eventually that group was finished eating, and I could start on the picnic lunch.

We got it out on time but it was a rush to the finish, and even Connor helped us cut and put the sandwiches on platters. Julie did the salad and squares, and I did the sandwiches and fruit, and it went out, we replenished a few times, and around 1:00pm we could finally start working on the wedding for 100 people. I was supposed to be off at 3pm, but I ended up staying to about 5:15pm, just to get all of the cold food done, because Julie was stuck making a shit load of stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, a boring, long and repetitive job. I stayed and made sure the salads were bowled up, did the cheese tray and the fruit platters, and the hor's that we needed.

I left for the bus and ended up having to wait for forty minutes for the bus to come, which was... okay I guess... I had music and my phone but it was still a long wait. Luckily the bus downtown was there waiting when I got there, so I didn't have to wait at all. Michelle ordered pizza as I was on my way home, and I had a quick shower once I was home because my shirt was soaking wet... it was gross and uncomfortable... I rarely sweat, and I didn't even feel that hot, but yeah, I was fucking sweaty, so the shower really helped me feel a bit more comfortable.

After my shower, as I was getting changed, the pizza arrived, and we watched Star Trek: TNG and ate. Afterward, I kinda lounged around a bit, eventually having a coffee and twix bar, listening to the geekbox and playing a level of Defense Grid. After Defense Grid, I played some Torchlight on the Mac, and that led to... deciding on putting on the fourth Harry Potter movie, Goblet of Fire. I've watched the second and third ones this week, and it only seemed fitting to watch another. It's still on, and I'm still writing, and afterward I'm going to take a sleeping pill and watch True Blood, and then probably go to sleep.

A pretty tiring day, and tomorrow is a day off. Hopefully tomorrow will be relaxing and awesome and amazing and I can feel at rest. We'll see what happens...

843 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Broken up but living with Michelle


August 01, 2011
You and Travie been hanging out? Lots of sweat?

August 01, 2011
Sometimes I purposly sweat a bunch and then hang out with Travie.

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