
Writing Photography Rambling

May 02, 2011 2:25AM

Natural Written Entry

I just saw a Wendy's commerical advertising that their fries were naturally cut. What does that even mean? Like, does that mean they were cut over thousands of years by erosion? Or.... were they once potatos and were cut into fries with a tool of some kind.

Today was garbage; a brutal ravaging of my private areas, metaphorically speaking of course. It was just two of us for the entire day basically, that's breakfast, brunch (which we did over 100) and dinner service setup/dinner buffet set up. We need three people for brunch... I can pretty much manage if it's a dead brunch - obviously - because there is more down time to do things, but it was not a dead brunch, and I was getting asked for things faster than I could provide them, and neither Jill or I got breaks, a chance to eat or drink, and we didn't stop running around like crazy assholes. On top of it all, the dinner guy Matt wasn't in until 5pm, so we had to tear brunch down, and then put it all away, and then get everything ready for dinner service, which is an entirely new buffet and stock the cafe with the stuff it needs to do orders. Soooo lame.

The combination of Saturday and Today have pretty much destroyed my mind and body... I'm achey and sore and tired, my hands and fingers are swollen, my feet hurt, knees ache, my neck is still sore... I fell asleep on the couch, and I don't even remember laying down to sleep, I actually legitimately fell asleep by accident.

Because of how tired I am, my short-term memory, like what happened after I got home, is kind of blurry and bits and pieces, but... I'm pretty sure I made a lasgna for dinner, ate that while watching the latest Penny-Arcade season 2 episode. After that, I sat down and played Portal 2, actually finishing the single player game finally (I took longer than everyone else in the world... two weeks). It was good, a very good game. Some of the best writing in the industry for sure, so many laugh out loud lines and stuff. It felt good to finish a game for the first time in forever, and mark it off as completed. When PSN comes back up, I do plan on playing through the game again on PC, just because it was short enough for me to enjoy it again, and now that I know the puzzles (for the most part) and can focus more on really exploring the enviroment for neat little things. I won't spoil any of the game at this point because you really just need immerse yourself in the game and experience it for yourself.

I think this is the point where I fell asleep... I remember being happy and satisfied that I completed Portal 2, and I think I tried to play Final Fantasy 5 a bit, but couldn't concentrate or keep my eyes open, so I... yeah I have no idea what happened, all I know is I woke up a couple hours later on the couch!

When I got up, I did spend a lot of time playing Final Fantasy 5, making progress and having fun... I watched Obama's addressing the nation regarding the assasination of Osama Bin Laden, which is probably a very good thing for the world at large.

That's pretty much what I did tonight, just some games and napping. I took a sleeping pill and am waiting for the effects to kick in, I've got nothing planned for tomorrow but I'm so achey that sleep seemed like a good option. I'm just going to play Final Fantasy 5 until I can't think anymore, and then go to sleep.

625 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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