
Writing Photography Rambling

April 30, 2011 12:35AM

My Week

As lame as it sounds, the majority of my week has been spent on the couch, doing a variety of activities, but all couch central. I've been alternating between the things that I enjoy to do when I have free time, mainly watching movies, playing games, and programming.

I've recently gave up World of Warcraft, at least for now. It wasn't some crazy decision or something, it was simply.. the time I was sacrificing to the game was not equal to what I was getting out of it. It took up three days of my week, for an entire night, and I was barely having any fun, so it just seems silly to continue something like that. I do miss the friends, but that's hardly a reason to play when it takes away so much from the rest of my life.

Because of the lack of World of Warcraft, I've really got interested in playing console games again, naturally. Last week when I went browsing through game stores, and looking over my own library, and the release of Portal 2 - all these things got me excited to play some games for once, instead of just WoW. As for which games I've been playing, I've been trying to alternate between Portal 2 and Disgaea 3 equally, and that's generally what I've stuck to. Just recently I've been playing Final Fantasy 5 for GBA while I watch TV, as sometimes I like to be distracted while watching a movie or tv show.

Portal 2 is a really good game and I'm having a lot of fun playing through it. The puzzles are satisfying and challenging, but not to the point where it becomes frustrating... and their complicated enough to make you feel smart when you solve the room. I haven't quite made it through the entire game yet, but I think I'm close, and I'll probably replay it right away just because of how fun it is.

Disgaea 3 is pretty much just Disgaea 1 and 2 with small changes to some of the game systems. The story is in the same vein as the other NiS games... humour, over the top scenarios and breaking the fourth wall.. but this time around I find a lot of the story sections very long winded, as most often there is a story segment before a fight and then one after, and a lot of the time I feel myself starting to get annoyed with how it goes on and on and on and very little actual story or character development is happening. The game itself is as addicting as ever, and creating unbeatable killing machines is fun and satisfying.

Due to my reinterest in console games (or just games other than WoW), I wanted to update my Excessive Games library. Yes, that game collection website I made back like five years ago. Anyway, because of the redesign of this website, the creation of a new database, and a complete redesign of how logging in is handled, the old website was completely non-functional, however I was always pretty happy with it, and with some interest shown by Calen, I decided to essentially port the website over to my new system.

I pretty much just worked on it at night, while watching TV, same as how I do all my programming, and I rewrote the website 100% from the ground up, keeping the main layout and look of the website, but writing it in a way that it was much more organized and well written. I've finished the site now, and updated my collection, and you can view that by following this link: Jordan's Collection.

So that's what I've been up to this week. I've got to work tomorrow... 10 to over dinner, which is a large plated (like 90) so it'll probably be a late night, and then I have to open on Sunday, so it should be a nice, tiring weekend of fun...

649 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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