
Writing Photography Rambling

April 21, 2011 11:31PM

The End, The Beginning

Today I had my Java final exam, which was split into three parts, a short quiz online via respondus, a short answer section done on paper with pen and/or pencil, and then a final part, which was a coding assignment to do in the time given.

I completed the first part quickly and was actually going through thinking that the questions were really easy, but after I submitted the quiz for grading, I was surprised by the less than perfect result I got. The short answer were not that easy either, most of it was on random exception facts that I didn't know off by heart, but I did well enough. The coding was easy, although slightly time consuming, I'm confident I got perfect on that portion... we had to create a GUI that the user could type in a principal amount, interest rate and years, and it would show the money earned in interest via simple interest or compound interest.

After the exam, Calen, Rachel, Mathew and myself met up and discussed the exam, how we did and so on, and also all checked out C++ exam marks, as they had been posted (I got the highest in the group, at 88%, which I can live with... only six people got above 85, and I was one of them). We decided to go for lunch/dinner because generally that's what we've been doing after exams / some days of school, and it's getting harder and harder to pick a place to go eat.

After driving in random directions, we decided on eating at a Pizza Hut restaurant. I got two personal pan pizzas, one with mushrooms and one with pepperoni, because two personals was actually cheaper than one small, which seemed kind of wrong but... anyway.

Once we were done eating, we decided to embark on an adventure to look at games, so we went to Masonville's Best Buy, where we looked around a bunch, Calen played with an iPad 2 for awhile and I looked at all the games available, but we decided to check out somewhere else. We drove to Hyde Park, stopped in at the EB Games where I found Okami on Wii (which I kinda wanted the PS2 version for some reason but I'm sure the Wii version is fine) and then we headed to Futureshop, where I picked up Uncharted 2 and the latest Ratchet and Clank game (both 20 bucks), and then we headed home.

Matt and Calen stopped in to look at my collection of games and see my entertainment setup, which was nice, cause no one ever really gets to see it.

Also, Michelle bought me Portal 2, which after my bath, I sat down and started. I'm not sure if I ever wrote about it, or if it was during my time where I wasn't really updating very often, but Portal was one of my favorite games ever made, and by far the best puzzle game ever. Not only were the puzzles amazing, but the writing was so unimaginably good, that it stands out as some of the best writing in the gaming industry. The sequal picks up the story and from what I've played so far (finished the first three chapters) it's just as well put together, just as well written, and hilarious! I've really enjoyed it so far and can't wait to play it more.

Tomorrow is Good Friday, and I have to go to work for 7am, which kinda blows, especially because I have to work over diner, which means it'll most likely be a 12 hour day or more. It'll most likely be tired, and eager to get home and play more Portal 2, but I'll have to work Saturday, so I'm not sure how late I could stay up tomorrow.

Sadly I need to go to bed very soon in order to wake up at the time I need to wake up. I've also been playing Disgaea 3, and working on excessive games.

659 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


April 25, 2011
Say Apple

April 25, 2011

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