October 31, 2005 12:00AM
...what's the point in having wings.. if you can't feel the wind in your face?
I would love to go into depth about the pit of filth that is the human race but I'm on two sleeping pills, and I have a pretty girl waiting for me, so I'll keep it brief, at least momentarily, until I get another chance at the computer... a more opportune time perhaps.
The quick version is basically: Nick and I went to fetish night together, had lots of fun, laughed a lot, hung out with some great people (Dave, Margrete, Pat, Geoff, Cam, Rob, Jacklyn and more) and had a lot to drink (about 80 bucks between Nick and myself). Near the end of the night I jokingly called TJ (the bartender) a homophobe, expecting him to joke back but instead he responded by cutting me off of drinks and being an asshole about it. I was... pissed. Afterwards I just got rob to buy me four more beers, but... it was the fact that TJ cut me off, not because I was too drunk to handle myself, but because he didn't get my joke and was just annoyed with me.
Secondly, when Nick and I were walking home (with a friend Tasha) we got attacked in the alley by some asshole, and later by this asshole and like 5 friends. They missed me but got Nick, and they cricled around Tasha. We had to deal with police and getting home and it was just a slight buzz kill, and Nick got hurt (but he's okay). There's more to that story as well, but I'll get into it later.
Today was a day full of recovery, as I've been hungover and lazy all day. Vanessa and I watched a bunch of movies and ate popcorn and stuff.. Chasing Amy, Dogma and City of Angels. I shed one tear while watching City of Angels and it felt good... I haven't shed a tear since the last time I watched American Beauty or the end of Final Fantasy X (whichever was latest). Now it's 6:08am and I've yet to go to sleep, but I took my sleeping pills about an hour ago and they're really kicking in (and I think I notice a difference in my writing.. muuuuch better).
Of course tomorrow probably, I'll update with a bit more information and details, although there isn't THAT much more to tell, but I'll go into depth a little about the better points of the night, rather than focus on the horridly negative. In other news, Nick may be moving in with me for a bit!
436 words
- I lived on Grey St.
- I dated Vanessa
- I worked at Teletech
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