
Writing Photography Rambling

September 24, 2015 7:50PM


I'm sitting down and watching 1997's Anaconda, a semi-bad to actually bad monster-flick style film that I had watched at least once when I was younger and the movie was fairly new, and I knew it was bad back then too. I had recently listened to it's <a href="http://filmsack.com/">Film Sack</a> episode (#156) and their discussion made me want to watch it. I also listened to a similarly themed episode on Congo, which was from around the same time, and I remember having seen it once, but I don't remember it and from the sound of it, the effects don't hold up and it may be amusing to watch.


Lots happening, not a lot of time to write about it. I'll be quick.

I've started eating jerky lately, beef jerky. I got a craving out of nowhere, it is low in fat and high in protein and has almost no carbs, so it's the perfect snack, super tasty and I enjoy the texture. Anyway, the store bought stuff was so expensive that I looked into making my own (by watching Alton Brown obviously) and did so. My jerky is awesome, and tasty and I eat it everyday at work.

I was minding my own business, eating my jerky at work, and crunch, something really hard was in my mouth and I crunched down on it. My molar had cracked off! That's one of my worst nightmares, something I've <strong>literally had nightmares about</strong> and there it was happening to me. I called the dentist right away and they got me in for an appointment the next day (today).

I went there today at 1:45pm, and Dr. Ip filled the tooth right there, right away, with no freezing or issues. It wasn't causing me much pain, although a bit of pressure and throbbing deep down in my jaw. The worst was the sharp jagged edges of my broken tooth and it rubbing against my tongue.

That was my last couple days. Terrible dentist stuff, a terrible movie, and sitting on the couch.

366 words

  • I lived in Rodney
  • I worked at Vicimus
  • I'm married to Bekki

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