
Writing Photography Rambling

September 24, 2007 7:01PM

Let's See Here

I have a headache, so I don't feel like playing WoW because that usually makes headaches worse (something to do with the screen, maybe the motion, I dunno, but it makes headaches worse if I already have one) and I my legs, feet and hips hurt like it's going to rain, like ache with lots of pain so that sucks (to go with a headache) and I have stomach pains from something.. I ate a lot of Salmon at lunch, and I didn't feel that good right after, so I dunno. It took me an hour and a half to do most of the dishes, but I was so tired and sore that I couldn't finish them all and just gave up and had supper (a sandwich). I'm too tired to finish them now, but I cleaned the kitty litter.. but I'm in pain, so I might try to play WoW, or maybe played Persona 3, since I had a lot of fun with it last night.

Today was alright I guess.. as far as work goes, it was alright. I felt weird last night, like I was going to cry, and weird moods have surrounded me today as well. I sometimes don't like myself much, but at other times I don't like other people, so it all evens out.

I'm feeling very unsocial right now, very.

226 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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