
Writing Photography Rambling

September 25, 2007 6:58PM

It's a Tuesday!

I have another headache... a mixture of being tired and the heat, and the hard work all day... two days in a row, what a shitty thing. I woke up with the headache actually, and that's just one of the worst things ever. I never want to wake up and feel a headache, it's just the worst way to start a day. The headaches could also be from the rain that's coming.. pressure.. or whatever.. something. Shut up.

I've decided that I'm never doing laundry during the week again. It's just the least enjoyable thing to do after working all day and being all sore and sweaty and coming home. The laundry will be done on Saturdays (or Friday's if Michelle feels like it) and it will be done in two loads, one for normal clothes, and the other for towels and stuff. I'm just not happy doing it afterwork, it's not what I want to do with my few hours I have to do stuff.

I fell asleep at 7:30pm yesterday... I'm really tired when I get home from work... tired and sore, and sweaty, and headachey.

Uh.. I did the laundry... I also watched the season premier of Family Guy, and just had supper (a sandwich) and watched The Simpsons. I'm probably not going to play WoW today... maybe for a half hour or something, but I'll probably play Persona 3... it's the headache, I just can't enjoy WoW with one.

I was in a pretty bad mood today at work, they just want me to do way too much stuff, and it can't all be done in the same day by one person. I made staff breakfast this morning for seven people... I made a big thing of scrambled eggs in the steamer, and heated up a bunch of old breakfast meat from the day before (sausage, bacon, pea-meal bacon) and Jeff fried potatoes, and I served it. It was pretty fun, but I burned my thumb pretty bad from steam. While doing that, I got way behind on dishes, and never got caught up at all, because right after an order from Sysco came in, so I had to make sure it was all there, then put it all away. Bah.. it's hard to not care, but when there are piles of dishes I can't help but feel like I'm not doing my job good enough. Just gotta work at not caring I suppose.

I think that's it for now.. my eyes heart and head hurts, and feet and legs. Gotta get the clothes from the dryer now... bye bye.

433 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


September 26, 2007

not caring is goooooood haha plus if you dont finish all the dishes and later in the day person has to do it its cuz you had deliveries n junk so its totally justified. so now sit back and take a nap in some dark corner of hte building and learn to not care!

Sarah MacDonald
September 27, 2007

I agree with Mark.
Just do the best you can and let 'er go.

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