
Writing Photography Rambling

September 25, 2011 12:54AM

How Will You Pay?

Another long retarded day at the ol' Windermere, and after eleven hours of almost non-stop work, I'm home, and I have to be up and go back there in about six hours. OhmygodIthinkI'mdying.

The day started by waking up to the alarm at 10:15am, at which point I rolled out of bed and made some breakfast... dark rye toast and coffee. I didn't really have time to do anything or think, or process anything this morning, I pretty much just ate and got dressed, then left.

The bus ride wasn't bad really, I listened to Underoath really loudly and it was enjoyable... I just kind of zone out and pretend I'm sleeping or somewhere that makes me happy, eventually arriving at the university hospital, where I get off and walk the rest of the way.

I started work at 12pm, and started by making a list on the white board of all the stuff we had to do, and started by doing the vegetable bundles, followed by the cucumber ring salads, and the cheesecakes. I don't really need to go in to detail, but there were certain aspects of the day worth noting. First of all, our breakfast cook was unavailable due to extraordinary circumstances, which meant Julie had to come in and open, and do the two picnic lunches we had, but she left as soon as possible, considering she had to work yesterday, one of her days off, and today was supposed to be her second day off, so she took off around 12:30pm or 1:00pm I think.

Second thing worth noting is one of our cafe cooks called in sick, so we were down two cooks at this point. Finally, after a couple hours, Mark fell up the stairs and broke his arm and left for the hospital, so we were down three people. It was Kyle and Mario in the cafe, and Tom, Jon and myself to get the wedding ready. We managed to get it all done in time, and it actually went very smoothly, so smooth, it just happens so naturally now. It's pretty awesome... I mean, don't get me wrong, it's still a lot of work and organization and effort, but it always comes together and goes without a problem.

After the dinner had gone, and we all breathed a sigh of relief, we prepared a couple meals to eat and went out back, but soon Spencer called us in because the wedding wanted to give us a round of applause, and they said that the event was the best event they had ever had, and blah blah blah, it was nice to hear. Jon, Tom and I, with Vikar, went out, got introduced and everyone clapped and smiled, and the bride and groom gave us a standing ovation, and Jon said, "enjoy your night!" haha, it was fun, and felt good to feel appreciated.

After dinner was out and done with, Jon started work on some currywurst random dish that's gross and I don't want to talk about, Tom started working on late night food, which was 50 poutines, and I continued on with brunch prep, since tomorrow it's just Tom and I to get it out, so the more I could get done the better, and I think I've got enough done that it should go very smoothly. Finally around 11pm, Jon and finished all we felt we could do, and considering I have to open tomorrow, I was ready to leave, so we wiped down, and left as fast as possible.

Once home, I was wide awake, and that kind of sucks because I should really already be asleep... hours ago really, but here I am awake at almost 1am, but I'm sure I'll survive. I got home and ran a bath almost right away, as I wanted to wash Windermere off me right away, so that was kind of nice, but I'm out of bubble bath and never have any time to go get anymore, but yeah, it'd be nice if I could somehow get to Shoppers soon.

As I mentioned earlier, I open tomorrow, and work until 4pm, but I'm only staying until brunch is broken down and put away, so it may be earlier, probably 2:30pm or 3:00pm, and my plan tomorrow is to get brunch out and then make salads, and then clean the fridge. I hope everything goes to plan, and I hope that I'm not too tired. Here's hoping it goes well... Oh, and I have homework to do once I get home, so lots of fun to look forward to! Uuggghhhhhh.

767 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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