
Writing Photography Rambling

September 24, 2004 1:21AM

It's In The Eyes

I really don't think I can write an entire entry (worth reading) about today?s events, considering nothing much happened. I woke when Emily woke for school (late mind you... around 9:10 or something...) and I couldn't really get back to sleep. My eyes were heavy in that way that you just want to smash your face into the pillow and just go back to sleep instantly, but I just couldn't lay still or rest or anything, so I turned on Final Fantasy 5, continued what I was doing the day before; building up on a mountain, and eventually making quite a bit of progress into the game. I'm nearing where I had stopped my previous run through the game, because I'm starting to recognize some areas that were difficult for me the first time through, and I'm wondering how I'm going to do this time. This run through I'm using a lot more of the jobs, experimenting more, trying different combinations and strategies and thinking ahead much more. I played that for quite awhile until the hunger inside of me took over and I just couldn't take it anymore, and I had to turn it off, go to the kitchen and make some Lipton Noodle Soup (and I kindly saved some for Emily when she got home from school!.. awww! I'm so freakin' sweat!) And I watched Ben Steins Money and then threw myself down to sleep, finally winning over my tiredness with fresh, neck cramping, and headache inducing sleep. I woke up a couple times... watched some SCTV and various other things but eventually fell back asleep until around 3pm, when Emily returned from school and had her chicken noodle soup!

We spent an hour or two just on the computers doing a few random things... Emily was actually chatting a lot, doing things, writing things (updating her website) and basically keeping herself busy, while I sat at my computer bored out of my skull. For some reason I just couldn't amuse myself. There was no one online to talk to... Jess is sick and was busy with other people, so I wasn't angry about that, just bored, and I suppose the rest of my immediate MSN friends were busy with a school dance (haha). I read three different final fantasy message boards, the godly gods message board, The Fields of Mercy, and The Gamespy message boards and with all of those, all of those things to read, I actually 'finished' them all, and had nothing new to read. I couldn't think of anything to do... except... I was hungry again. I had some money left over from when I had gone to see the village the other night, and Emily had some money as well, so I ordered Swiss Chalet online for us to eat for supper, and it actually came really quickly... I had ordered my normal half-chicken meal with mashed potatoes and gravy and an extra bun and Emily had a quarter chicken meal with dark meat and mashed potatoes, and we watched Friends and That 70's show while we ate. Once I was finished, I sat down at my computer, and Emily decided to watch Gorillas in the Mist, something she had to watch for school.

While Emily was watching the film, I sat at my desk and worked on the comment script (still untitled... it's temporarily titled: Comment. How creative of me... I know.) I worked and I worked, and then tested and tested some more, then erased some, then tested, then worked a bit, and eventually... and after a bit of frustrated (so much so that the other day I had to just close it and stop because I knew it was going to drive me mad) it worked! The goal I had set out to do; the function I wished to add to the script worked!! Now the owner/admin can go into the script, via a password, and view all comments, organized by code, and delete any comment they don't want. That way if someone abuses the script, posts obscene things or insulting things and so on, you can quickly and easily delete the post. It's just something that I felt needed to be implemented for it to feel more complete.. I mean, it may never be used, but at least it's there if the need were to arise. After I had finished that huge accomplishment, I felt so drained of thought and ideas that I just needed to unwind... I wanted to still write a few notes of ideas to include into Comment, so I ran myself a bath and grabbed a pad of paper and a pen and went into the bathroom. I made my own bubble bath because I'm all out; I got the old container of bubble bath that?s empty, squirted in some of the awesome smelling shampoo Emily and I use, added some hot water, closed it, shook it like crazy and then dumped it under the tap and voila, I had more bubbles than if I had used real bubble bath, and they smelled amazing. I sat in the somewhat... warm bath. I had sweat dripping on me because of the heat, so I laid under the water a bit, and let the heat take the feeling away from my body and face; so peaceful. I grabbed the paper and pen, thought for a moment and quickly jotted down a little tiny piece of script that would basically count how many comments were contained in a specific post. I wrote it, it worked. When I got out of the bath, I went to the computer, with this thought in my head, and wrote the function, and it worked, right away. Anyone who programs knows nothing ever works right away, so this was an amazing thing. It took me about two minutes to do it. With this out of the way, I simply added a function into the comment script that you send it a comment code, and it'll display those comments on the screen. So now, if the option is set, instead of displaying the comments inside of the post, it posts a link to display those specific comments on another page, and gives you a count of how many there are to view! .. Okay, so that went on for awhile and most of you probably didn't understand it even though I wrote it in English.. Anyway... visit Emily's website to notice the new upgrade I did. Basically what I'm proud of most is I wrote that upgrade in about ten minutes or less, which amazed me because it pretty much worked on my first try. Now I'm taking a bit of a break and thinking about a few features that could be added to make it more complete, or a few things I could add just to make it much neat or fun... so yup... I'm sure I'll mention it if anything else is added. Oh, also I should mention that it's is now officially available to anyone to use. It's open source as well, so you can download it, change it, move it around, reprogram it... whatever, just so long as I get credit for the original programming, I don't care. Email me for installation files and instructions.

About when I finished up the writing of the script, Emily played a bit of Final Fantasy 8; fighting and defeating Rajin and Fujin in Balamb (for anyone who knows the game) and I watched and gave her some tips as to what to junction and stuff (gotta love those Bio's) and she stopped shortly after and went to sleep. After she went to bed, I climbed onto my chair, opened this up and started writing... not much else to report really. Like I said earlier, to check out my comment script in action, go to Emily?s website and check it out, also, if you want to use the comment script for you own purposes (or whatever) just email me about it. I will be using the comment script on my new site come the new year, but until then please keep sending in your comments via email, because I love hearing from you! I guess that's goodnight!

1379 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily


January 01, 2000
Just to reiterate, I know Jordan's mentioned his new comment script in a few of his entries, but I want to let everyone know how hard he's been working on it. Everyday, at least 2 hours (generally more) is put into writing and re-writing codes to make the

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