
Writing Photography Rambling

September 23, 2004 12:47PM

Jay Jay Laari's Wonderful Horrible Life

Lately it seems I?ve been unable to come up with new, creative or even acceptable ways to begin my entries. I always seem to draw a blank when it comes time to actually start the typing. I mean? when I?m relaxing, be it in a bath, on the bed, or even just sitting in my chair, the thoughts as to what I can write, the words I can use and exactly what I want to talk about flows into my mind, circulates, inspires me and is generally not a problem to come up with lengthy topics to speak about. Then comes the time when actually putting these thoughts into words comes and I draw a blank. There are countless things inside of me that I could type about; that I could release onto this pathetic palette, and yet I?m stuck sitting here, unable to even type a first word. To anyone that has read this for any amount of time, or anyone who knows me at all, you would know that I am never short of things stuck inside of my head that I want out, but have trouble transferring that information from my brain to my finger tips. It seems to plague me each night, and it never seems to go away; I try and try and yet no matter what I do, the problem endures. I have found fuel for my fingers however, which once the ideas start flowing, it will keep it going; my sleeping pills; but they don?t help it begin, only help it continue. Well? I suppose that was an adequate introduction, I guess I?ll get into it now.

A few days ago, on Sunday night, I went and saw The Village with Michelle at Rainbow Cinemas, but there were much more important things going on immediately after, so mentioning my outing didn?t quite seem to be at the top of my to do list, but now that things have calmed down, I suppose I should mention it, especially since I went tonight with Emily to see it again. The Village is a wonderful film that does an excellent job of completely and totally manipulating your mind to make you believe exactly what it wants. It will mold and change what you see and how you see it until you?re so set in your ways of viewing that it kicks you in the nuts and spits on you and completely changes everything. Make any sense? Probably not if you haven?t seen the film; but to say the least, it sticks with M. Night Shyamalan style of storytelling and history of great films, so if you enjoyed The Sixth Sense, Signs or Unbreakable, give The Village a chance, because I for one deeply enjoyed it. It can be quite the confusing movie at times, even after it?s all over, Michelle had questions to help understand it, and only when I saw it the second time did I really go, ?aaaahhh, oooooh? at certain parts and aspects of the film. I absolutely love psychological thrillers, and I think that?s as close as you?ll get to label this movie to a specific genre. There are some great discussions about it going on at the IMDB, so go and check them out, read a bit about the film (but try to avoid the spoilers) and then go see it!

I feel I should mention the fact that most of my waking time (and perhaps some of my sleeping time) has been solely dedicated to playing Final Fantasy 5. Yes, it wasn?t even a year ago that I was playing through the exact same game, back around the time I first received Final Fantasy Anthology from Linzie for Christmas, and I just one day put it down and never picked it up again. Not because it was a bad game; not in the least, but mostly because I had, and still do have, so many other equally great games that grab my attention and won?t let go. Lately I?ve been in a very heavy Final Fantasy mood, completing Final Fantasy 6, and then completing Final Fantasy 4 only a couple weeks later and starting to play through Final Fantasy 3 at the same time, now I?m working my way through Final Fantasy 5 and enjoying it greatly. It is easily the greatest ?job based? Final Fantasy, in which you assign specific classes to each character on the fly, and it?s probably also the most difficult as well, having some of the toughest bosses I?ve ever had to face, and this is coming from someone who knows Final Fantasy better than most other things in existence. What it really makes me think of is how it heavily resembles Final Fantasy 3 in a lot of ways, but exceeds all of its features. It features a much deeper and strategic job system, deeper character development, a splendid plot to follow, and (obviously) better graphics and sound. I recommend this game to anyone who has completed a few of the Final Fantasy already, in order to have a head start on understanding the jobs available and what advantages and disadvantages come with them, and the difficulty may pose a problem against some of the newer players.

Looks like the worst movie in the history just came on TBS? Josie and the Pussycats; this movie, the last time I watched it anyway, actually made me want to grab the closest sharp object and slam in through my skull. The only good quality the movie has is that Rachael Leigh Cook is fucking hot and Seth Green is my hero. Sadly the performance by Tara Reid is suicide inducing, and the story, if there was even one worth telling, actually causes bile to rise in my throat. Some of the ideas they bring forward are great, but the way they present them makes you wish they didn?t even try to have meaning. It?s strange? I wrote a tiny little paragraph on the movie the last time I watched it, some time ago on my site, if I knew I?d point it out but I don?t remember; I?m actually interested in reading it myself, so if anyone wants to find it, let me know the month, day and year of the post so I can both read it and post a link to it. Oh, and on a side note, the movie contains the most advertising I've ever seen in my life, ever, anywhere.

I guess that?ll make it complete for tonight; I could go on about a few things, but I guess I?ll let people write about their events in the respective journals, rather than me writing about their lives, I?ll just stick to my own, so make sure you read Ally?s journal and Emily?s journal soon, as they?ve had some neat occurrences in their lives.

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