July 31, 2002 1:51AM
You're my oxygen!
Today was good. There wasn't anything that sucked... well except for the game Ben and I just played... it was our first loss with our new team... But the people we played were strangly good... it was almost unexplainable what they did.. but oh well you've just go to accept what happened and move on.
Linzie came over at 7:30 this morning and we ate some breakfast... she had Cap'n'Crunch and I had scrambled eggs and toast (yes kids that IS yummy). When she first came down stairs to say hi she had this really awesome shirt on and her hair was up but it was a little messy but she just looked amazingly beautiful... it was almost beyond belief that this girl was here by choice... kinda blew me away. Anywho after breakfast we layed down to go to sleep it was about 9:00 when that happened. Linzie kept telling me how she wasn't really tired so when we layed down after a few minutes a was a little uncomfortable so I went to roll over so I looked up and back to see that she was fast asleep! Ah the damn liar! Anyway I fell asleep watching Quantum Leap... one of the greatest shows ever... and woke up at 12:30 upon request because my Dad was coming over at 1pm so I had to get ready and all that.
I got dressed and then sat around until he got here. We left leaving Linzie alone in the basement which I felt okay with which is cool because I think she was okay with it too... anyway we went to Subway for a sorta goodbye lunch type thing where we could talk and 'bond' and so on and it all went very well.
On the way to Subway we ran into Ian and Melissa walking to... dun dun dun Subway as well. So my Dad said hi to both of them... Ian has met him a few times already from gigs school and owens house.. probably more but who knows and I think Melissa was meeting him for the first time. Anyway we both went in to Subway but didn't really talk much. They left as soon as they got their Subs. My Dad as he usually does was sorta joking around with the chick on the cashier just because that's what he does (and it's always in good taste and funny... people are just stupid) and she was a complete bitch about it... didn't even fake a smile or anything. God that whole place was filled with damn bitches... the sandwiches weren't that great either... I could only eat 6" of my 12" sub.
During our eating of Subway my Dad gave me a pocket watch I had always wanted from him a gold very very nice looking watch that looks like one of those classical peices they attached to their coats. It's gold plated with a solig gold chain I've got attachted to my back pocket so now I walk around with a gold chain instead of the normal metal... it's cool! It feels really good to have it too not only because it's just an awesome watch but because it's a peice of my Dad and our history... it's always kinda been there and when I see it I'll obviously think of him and it's like he's keeping me company in some form.
Now for no reason and in the middle of no where I would like to show you evidance of just how much Ben and I think alike. We constantly say the same things all the time... almost always the same spelling and words.. this time there was a one word difference.
After we were finished at Subway (we talked for a bit about various things) we decided to go to Walmart and just look around for things he possibly needed/wanted. The first place we went to was the electronic section (my second favorite place in that store... the first being the junk food isle. We just pretty much looked at everything but ended up looking at cell phone information because he wants to get one to solve his phone problem (as it would probably be cheaping to run a cell phone than to pay a regular phone bill... considering he won't use it much so it just makes sense). We walked around the rest of the store but ended up buying nothing... we eventually made it back home (because we both had to pee). Oh yeah while we were at Walmart Aaron Benjimans was there and we have this running joke where Aaron pretends to be gay... kind of an odd joke but still.. anyway as my Dad and I were walking buy he had an orgasmic face on and he was grabbing his boob... my Dad cracked up laughing for the longest time which made it funny for me (because I'm pretty use to Aaron grabbing his boob).![]()
Once home I went straight downstairs to see if Linzie was still alive and she was she had cleaned my room! She was just laying listening to Bush when I came down... which was oddly cute. She just looked really cute all curled up in blankets and listening to Bush... cause that's what I do! Anyway I told her that my Dad was coming down so she got dressed but he didn't end up coming down until later. So I brought her upstairs to chillax with us all in the living room. We just sat around and talked for a bit... Dad tried to clean my watch up a bit as some of the gold was tarnished or dirty or something so he tried but failed at cleaning it and I ended up having to go over and buy Brass-O or some shit I dunno... it's stuff to clean shiney pretty things. After my Dad went out with Lindy to eat and hang out or whatever I went downstairs and attempted to clean the watch myself and succeded quite a bit making it look much better (even though I thought at the time that it still looked a bit dirty everyone else thought it looked almost brand new).
I went over quite a few times to No Frills and Walmart to pick up some groceries and things I needed but that was okay. I got lots of good stuff.. Coke Crispers Chips Chocolate Milk and more! (yay kids! YAY!). Blah.
After Dad got back from hanging with Lindy he came downstairs and watched the WarCraft III movies (he saw all the previews previously and he was amazed he always seemed interesting in the cinematic aspect of gaming). He also looked at my Art of WarCraft book which was cool.
After that Linzie and I just sorta layed around as my Dad hung out with Lindy a bit more and eventually Linzie and I went upstairs to the bathroom so I could shave. I'm keeping the hair on my chin because apparently it's 'cute' or 'sexy' so I've got a minature strange chin beard thing going but I keep shaving my side burn things and my stash! Anywho after shaving we all sat in the living room and talked and stuff until about 6:40 when my Dad left.
Linzie and I went over to Walmart then and bought some Zest and Irish Spring soap so when I shower I can come out smelling manly for my woman. After that we ate french fries for supper watched some TV and eventually fell asleep. We woke up at 9:30 watched Buzz.. it was funny in the low-budget canadian improv public show... it's a really good show if you like that humour sorta early Tom Green type stuff.. not the overproduced stuff he went into but his early years on Rogers public access. After Buzz was over I turned on some music (All Tracks... 4450 baby!) and just talked (topic game anyone?) and just chillaxed like we usually do especially at that time of night an hour or two before she has to leave we usually just lay together and talk.
After she left Ben and I played a team game lost to two godly players and I started writing this. Now we're all caught up.
To sum up Ben and I lost for the first time I hung out with my Dad and got an awesome gold watch and Linzie and I love talking and laying. Thank you and goodnight.
1406 words
- I lived with my Mom
- I was with Linzie
October 28, 2011
thanks for leaving me breathless
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