
Writing Photography Rambling

May 26, 2007 7:46PM

Weird Charity

Start off with the negative or the positive? It's a tough choice; I usually start out with the negative to just get it out of the way, so might as well stick to that habit.

This week has been a pretty rough week as far as feeling good goes. I'm not even sure what it is specifically, but I feel very tired all the time, very lazy and lethargic, like I could go to sleep at any time, and that I don't care about anything, and I have no energy to do anything, it's weird, and I honestly hope it goes away. I always seem to fall into this rut and then snap out of it eventually and I end up cleaning something huge or something like that. I will be doing the dishes today, as soon as I finish writing this, and I plan on doing the litter and vacuuming, but beyond that all I really want to do is lay in bed. Perhaps it's the fact that I have no tv to look forward to, no filler tv (like Friends) to watch, so I'm really not left with much to do.

Ally is keeping busy today, and I should be taking a page from her book! HAH! That sounds dirty... She's cleaning and organizing and rearranging, and being energetic and accomplishing things, I'm proud! But it makes me feel even more lazy haha.

I doubt the weather helps much... it's cool and dark, where it looks like it's going to rain but never does. It's really difficult to get up enough energy to do anything when it's not bright and sunny outside. Hopefully it'll storm and it'll relax me so I don't feel so nervous all the time, and then it becomes sunny and I'll want to do lots of things and clean and organize.

There's this dude in my apartment building that had previously gone door to door to try and sell some membership to a different hydro provider, and the first time he came, he came in to talk to me about it or whatever and noticed I had a lot of games, so we started talking about games and stuff, and he said that we should get together sometime to play stuff (yeah...). It was pretty cool to know that there was at least one relatively cool person living in this dump. He came back a month later to follow up on that hydro crap and we talked for like five minutes and that was that.

Dark Cloud 2 LotR: RotK True Crime: Streets of LA

This morning as I was waking up, I heard Michelle talking at the door to someone, and then she closed the door and put stuff on my desk. Apparently that guy from upstairs is moving away and doesn't need any of his games, so he came down and just gave me his games. If I hadn't been sleeping, I would've taken all the games and given the ones I already owned to Ally or my Sister, but Michelle just took the ones I didn't have and let him keep the ones I had. I barely new the guy, and don't even know the guys name, but he for some reason wanted to give me the games, and that's awesome. He gave me Dark Cloud 2, True Crime: Streets of L.A., Lord of the Rings: Return of the King and Resident Evil 1.

I also got an email this morning from Mark saying that he just found out that he can't stay at Ann's over the summer and is homeless and he was wondering if he could stay with me. My first thought was why did he just find this out a day before he was coming home for the summer. Obviously I'm not going to let Mark be homeless, but I know what happens when you let a friend live with you... you end up not being friends, and worst case you end up hating the persons guts for all the little shit they do. I don't want that to happen between Mark and I, and on top of that risk, it would also completely change the way my life is. No more pooping with the door open, someone always watching me play games, and random other things. However, I want to help him out, so I think he and I just have to talk about it. Maybe figure out some plan to make it so we don't end up hating each other, and also figure out what he'd be bringing into the apartment and where we'd put it all (like stereo, tv, computer, I honestly don't know what he's got). So, I just have to wait till he's here so we can talk and I'm sure we can figure something out. I'm just worried that it won't work out, because living with Nick didn't end all that well, and it caused a whole lot of added stress and discomfort and I felt like a prisoner in my own home. That's pretty much been a case when I've had any room mate. It's a horrible, horrible thing usually. The good side is that it'd be cool to hang out all the time and watch TV or movies and play games, and he said he'd try to help with rent or bills or whatever, so I think we just need to make up some rules (like for dishes, and keeping thing tidy) in order to avoid all the problems that usually come with having someone stay with you.

Maybe it'll rain soon...

921 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


May 26, 2007

Only I would give the ones we didn't have back and not think to keep them.. it didn't even cross my mind. *slaps back of own head*

May 26, 2007

sitting down now after hours of hard work, my apartment is more of a disaster now then it was when i started and i'm losing energy really fast. I figure though that at least I can work on it tomorrow too if I end up passing out before I finish. *sigh* I wish I had tv to watch too.

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