
Writing Photography Rambling

May 26, 2003 2:29AM

Goodbye Sleep... Goodbye...

Sleep seems like such a god damn fucking waste of time right now. I think too much, I don't feel relaxed... It feels like I'm wasting all my free time before work. I mean, as long as I'm awake while Linzie is here, and that I'm awake enough to go to work, who cares when or for how long I sleep?

Tidus is getting more and more used to the apartment and how things work, although I've yet to get a definate feeding schedual set up, so I don't think he knows when he's going to be fed... and he still meows quite a bit but it's getting less and less frequent. He's resting more and finding his favorite places to lay and stuff, instead of always walking around, sniffing and meowing.

I can feel myself getting less happy and happy with each day, heading towards depression for another 2 to 4 weeks... which I'm sooo not looking forward to at all. I don't want to go through it anymore, I'm so sick of it, always thinking bad things, about things I only want to think good things, like Linzie. *sigh* I hate it.

I had what I wanted to write in my head as I was walking home from Linzie's but now I just don't want to write it... I'm not in the same mood as I was... so... too bad for you.

I've been playing Final Fantasy VII (with Linzie) and Secret of the Stars (by myself) and that's keeping me pretty busy. I played Mario 64 a bit today, which was fun and refreshing...

I went shopping today and got some groceries for the rest of the month and probably most of next months. I also got a special edition Dogma DVD (amazing!) and Bloodsport DVD both for very low prices and I also bought some underwear (okay, I made Linzie buy it while I hid... so what?) and I bought a tiny bit of candy, but I'm still on budget which is working out good (hopefully...). I should have about $1000 by early July, probably a bit more depending on how over or under budget I am.

Lately I've been listening to the Gob album How Far Shallow Takes You and a bit of everything else.

That's it... bye bye.

380 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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