
Writing Photography Rambling

January 10, 2010 10:13AM

Crane Wife

I've got some time off of work, and I've decided to keep my activities simple. Do a few things I've wished I could've done if I had more time to myself, play lots of games, and relax. It sounds like a good plan to me, so I'll see how it goes.

I have from today until next Saturday off work, so it's kind of exciting. It hasn't really seemed real yet, but I'm sure it will on the third day, as I never have three days off, so that's when it will really hit me I think.

I've been listening to the album Crane Wife by The Decemberists a lot lately. It's beautiful, makes me sad, feel safe, happy and a bunch of things all at once. It's an awesome work of art, and everyone should check it out. The main theme of the album is about a japanese folk tale:

"The Crane Wife is an old Japanese tale. While there are many variations of the tale, a common version is that a poor man finds an injured crane on his doorstep (or outside with an arrow in it), takes it in and nurses it back to health. After he releases the crane, a woman appears at his doorstep with whom he falls in love and marries. Because they need money, his wife offers to weave wondrous clothes out of silk that they can sell at the market, but only if he agrees never to watch her making them. They begin to sell them and live a comfortable life, but he soon makes her weave them more and more. Oblivious to his wife's diminishing health, his greed increases. He eventually peeks in to see what she is doing to make the silk she weaves so desirable. He is shocked to discover that at the loom is a crane plucking feathers from her own body and weaving them into the loom. The crane, seeing him, flies away and never returns."

Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3cp8LERM70

It's a fantastic story told perfectly through three songs. The rest of the songs also tell stories, and they are told very well.

As for today, I'm probably going to do a load of laundry, play World of Warcraft, and relax. Tomorrow I'll probably head to the grocery store, so I'm going to have to plan out what I need to get today.

Time to relax! RELAX!!

406 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


January 10, 2010


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