
Writing Photography Rambling

August 24, 2010 11:41PM

Six Days

Six days of full time work remain before I have an extended vacation and return to school.

It's funny how things can get out of control so quickly, or maybe out of control isn't the correct phrase to use, but it's what came to mind first. There was a time I took pride in food, when I would keep a lot of things in the fridge and cupboards, and have a lot of options of things to cook and make, and now, the fridge is empty and the cupbards are bare and just opening either can make me feel sad. I always say, I need to stop that, but I can't seem to shake it. Maybe it's because I've been saving most of my money, or maybe it's been the extremely hot summer, but I've just not stayed on top of buying the proper things.

September is a new start to things, and while my logic/brain tells me that it's better to take one new thing at a time rather than overwhelm oneself with many things at once, my heart tells me it's a good time to change up as much as I can. I can feel it, I can feel it coming... a change. Maybe I'll eat better and have more food in the cupboards... maybe I'll be more organized and feel more at home. Maybe...

I was warned that tomorrow is going to be busy, but I almost prefer it to the alternative, as at least it will go by fast, and work is work, so who really cares. I'll need to stop at the grocery store on the way home to grab bus tickets, and dinner, so hopefully I can sneak out of work at 3pm instead of 4pm, mwuahaha.

Been playing Starcraft 2 a lot (and losing today) and I actually raided in World of Warcraft tonight for the first time in a couple weeks... it was pretty fun, but I already don't know a lot of the people and I'm supposed to be in charge of them hah. Ah well... gotta keep the guild alive until Cataclysm.

Seems I should go to sleep now... I had such a bad, bad, bad migraine last night, the entire evening and night was wasted, and I slept in, had a nice breakfast, but overall a pretty lazy day, sitting here now, at the end of the day at 11:39pm, I don't feel good about what I've accomplished. I feel nervous... anxious... I wish I had another day off... I wish I didn't feel nervous.

I've been listening to a lot of Rancid lately, and Rancid related albums, such as Transplants and Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards. I just can't get enough!

I think I want to start updating regularly again... maybe once school starts... it can be part of my new me thing. I think it's important that I continue to write, not for now, but in the future, when I want to look back to see what I was doing, it's a really unique and interesting thing to be able to see such detail. I'll consider these things :)

521 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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