
Writing Photography Rambling

October 29, 2008 12:16AM

Difficult to Update

Since I rarely do anything but my normal routine, I find it difficult to find anything to write about besides simply copy and pasting my last entry with an updated date.

In recent times, Ben and I got to level 70, I bought Zak and Wiki, Dead Space and Dark Sector. I've been playing WoW more than the last month when I took a small break to play Brothers in Arms and Rock Band 2, so I can say that I'm pretty heavily into WoW again.

I'd like to set up a day where Michelle and I play WoW together, or maybe not even just WoW, just recreation, games, or whatever. A set day that we make time for, even sacrifice for (be it time or convenience). For the last few months, since school started, Ben and I have been getting together every single Monday at 5pm, regardless of what's going on in our lives, homework Ben has, work related tiredness I have, we just commit to it and do it, and it's really nice to have a day like that to look forward to all week, to know I'm going to have a reliable time to enjoy myself. I'd like to do something like that with Michelle, because we don't even really see each other anymore. If I'm in the bedroom playing WoW, she shuts the door and sits in the living room, and if I'm in the living room, she shuts the door and sits in the bedroom. Days she doesn't have homework, or isn't asleep at 5pm, she goes out and does things with other people, and while it may be overdramatic to say that I feel like I barely exist as anything more than the person that buys and makes food, there is a spark of truth there.

I know that regardless of how she really feels, or how busy/tired she is, reading this or if I had asked her in person, she would say yes, that she would, but given what I've said I couldn't help but feel like it's almost a bit patronizing, so it's kind of a lose lose situation. I didn't want to ask in person because I know she'd just say yeah, and then when it came time to do something she'd make it clear she would rather be sleeping or whatever. Generally speaking we have a poor history of playing World of Warcraft together, as we'll generally log on and she'll moan and groan if anything we do online will take longer than ten minutes, and that frustrates me, because I don't even notice or care about the time, I think about the fun, the team work and the bonding and all that.

Whatever, I think I've overcomplicated this already haha. I want a day, like Tuesday or something, where from 5pm to 11pm we play WoW together, like we used to before we were distant associates that used to know each other from somewhere. Where since we had a set timeframe we could do dungeons and raids that took time, but it wouldn't matter and it would be fun. Maybe I'm just dreaming of something that's impossible though. I don't even know if she likes WoW, or if it's just something she does to indulge me in what she thinks I want her to do. It's very difficult to gauge.

I'm not tired but I have to go to sleep.

570 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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