
Writing Photography Rambling

October 29, 2002 11:09PM

Great Day! Sick...

Well today I was really bad.. sick wise of course. My vision got foggy .. that was scary. and the whole time Linzie sat beside me and did everything she could to make me feel better.. it really means a lot that someone would sit there for so long ignoring boredom and so on just to make sure I was okay or comfortable or whatever.

Yes Linzie stayed home with me all of today. I guess I'm a bad influence on her. You see I stayed home because my fever was so high and I was still a mess so when she came over early in the morning when it came time to leave she really didn't want to go.. she wanted to stay home and make sure I was okay. So she did! It was awesome! I've never been cared for with such unselfishness caring and attention to detail ever. Amazing. That's what she is.

We spent a lot of time today playing FF3 and it's fun as hell to see Linzie's reaction to certain things her thoughts on the events and characters and wow it's just amazing to play through a game that means so much to me.

I'm sorta starting to feel a bit better now.. my throat is still sore a hell but I think my fever is gone for a second.. or at least gone down a whole lot.. I still get the chills sometimes but it's no where near as bad as it was before.. it felt like my eyes were popping out of my eyes and I made a cold cloth warm by putting it on my face.. fun stuff...

I managed to stuff Pizza down my throat although it made me feel nausious probably because it's going in on top of 20 or so Advil.. so it's to be expected. I can't wait to get those drugs out of my system.. so I can eat and take more if I need to. I suffered alot today when I could have just took advil.. but for some reason I didn't.. I just didn't.. I even thought to myself a few times Why don't I just take an advil it'll make this so much more easy... and I just said I dunno and continued laying there. oh well I wasn't making very much sense.

Also because of my fever I've been having horribly screwed up dreams... they are making me VERY uncomfortable. I HATE them.

Oh well.. good day. good times. feeling better.


418 words

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  • I lived with my Mom
  • I was with Linzie

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