
Writing Photography Rambling

November 05, 2010 10:52PM

How is it the weekend?

It's the weekend already, and I suppose I don't really only work weekends anymore, as retarded as that is. I'm going to leave a note at work saying I can't work any more weekdays after next week (I'm working next Wed) saying that my school workload is getting too big to not have time to work on stuff and until December I'm going to have to stick to only weekends.

I'm tired. I got up for school today around 6:25am or whatever, had an in-class assignment in programming until 10am, did a group project for networking until around 10:45, got home around 12:30, had lunch, watched a movie, then went to work for 3pm, and worked until 9:30pm. I had a pretty bad headache... a bad headache you could say, and I took three tylenol before work, then drank a coffee when I got to work, and it just kept getting worse and worse, to the point where I felt like I was going to throw up. Kyle had Advil Cold and Sinus so I took three of those and they made me feel fuzzy and happy and took my headache away, but also made me a bit dizzy and act a bit like I was high. Kind of an interesting effect really...

I kind of gave up not enjoying work around half way through and just did as much work to make tomorrow easier as I could. Andy is going to pick me up to go in for 7am tomorrow and I work until 8pm, so that should be a challenging day. I don't particularly look forward to tomorrow, and I think there are going to be certain challenges. Food, drinks, energy... so many things to consider.

Even though I just got home like.. thirty minutes ago, I feel like it's in my best interest to go to sleep within the hour. I'm watching Teach: Tony Danza right now, trying to relax by writing this. I still feel a bit funny and that might help me sleep. I think I'll change in to my pijamas, and probably go to sleep really soon.

Andy is picking me up around 6:40am, so I really need to wake up by 6:00am to get a good breakfast and really be ready to work a long day. I'll probably bring a couple apples too.

Wish me luck... sigh

392 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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