
Writing Photography Rambling

November 30, 2010 12:46AM

I've used this title before haven't I!?

I had trouble sleeping again last night, I got another headache, although no where near as bad as the night before, as I mentioned I wanted to die the other night, but last night wasn't nearly as bad. It was keeping me awake, and I had to be up for 6:00am to get to school, so it was causing me some frustration, and while I admit it's probably related to my neck/back pain, it feels like that's slowly getting better, as it's not really that noticeable today. I finally got to sleep around 3:30pm or so, but woke up late, very late, like three hours too late. To add insult to injury, I also still had a headache and no pills to take to try and make it feel better.

Due to the fact that I woke up at like 9:30am, and my first class was at 8am, I missed Operating Systems and Hardware today, which was exam review, so it wasn't too terrible to miss, considering for the last two weeks of that class I've just played WoW through it, so... yeah, staying home isn't exactly the worst thing in the world. I did kind of feel bad because I told Calen I would be there to play WoW with him, so he was probably disappointed to go to class and find out I didn't go.

Since I slept in, it was tempting to stay home, it really was... but I knew I had to go because missing a networking lecture is a pretty big deal as far as how much it sets you back knowledge-wise. I had breakfast and got ready to go, and left to get at school for 11:30, which would give me time to meet up with Calen before going to our row in the networking lecture hall. Networking itself was pretty boring, perhaps even more so than normal, which lead to me purchasing Bit Trip Beat, which is this super fun, awesome low-fi indie game which was originally created for Nintendo Wii, as Wii-Ware, but eventually released on other platforms, one of them being the PC through Steam, which is how I purchased it. It was on sale for 50% off today, for only $5, so it was really easy to purchase it on a whim.

Before heading to school, I also bought the Orange Box, which is Half-life 2, Half-life 2 Episode one and two, Portal and Team Fortress 2. I already owned it for 360, but these games were meant to be played on PC, and especially due to mods, patches and multiplayer, the experience on PC will be completely different. It was on sale for only $7.50, so that deal was just too good, all those games for that low of price is awesome. I ended up playing a lot of Bit Trip Beat during the lecture, while TF2 was downloading slowly. I played the first level of BTB twice, the first time getting the hang of it, and the second time ranking 609th in on the leaderboards! It was kind of shocking, but awesome at the same time... it's a great game, highly recommended.

After networking, I just headed straight for the bus, and got home in a relatively short amount of time. Once getting home, Sarah and her husband were already there caulking the bathtub as she said she would be, and that went pretty quickly. I wasn't sure how long to wait before bathing, but I didn't think it was that long, but after Michelle had her shower this evening, the caulk on the front of the tub was all wet again and misplaced, so that's probably not very good... Hopefully it will dry and set over night before it's time to have another bath or shower. I waited around until they were done, but as soon as they left I grabbed my backpack and headed to the grocery store.

The walk was pretty nice, it wasn't too cold out, and I was listening to the new Underoath and trying my best to enjoy the walk. I grabbed a lot of vegetables, some soups to just have, and some Coke to drink, and grabbed some sleeping pills from Shoppers, as they were on sale, and I figured they were useful to have around the house for nights like the last two nights where I tossed, turned, and wanted to die due to intense pain. For example, about two hours ago I took a sleeping pill, because now when I go to bed, I could have the worst headache ever, and I'll fall dead asleep in 30 seconds when I put my head on the pillow, and that is so priceless, so worth whatever costs are associated with these pills.

Once I got home from the wonderful grocery store trip of wonder, I sat at the desk and did a bunch of homework, specifically a strategies for success assignment that was both retarded and worth a lot of marks, so it was challenging to complete it without going crazy. I had to make a visualization board... a collage, which is a joke, and everyone laughs at when I tell them what I had to do, but I did it, as painful as it was, and while it turned out pretty terrible, I think it's good enough to get a good mark on considering it's probably way better than what a lot of other students will be handing in. I also finished a database lab that is due this coming Wednesday, so the only assignments I have left are a networking lab due Wednesday, which I need to finish tomorrow, and then an operating systems lab on hard drives which I need to complete before next week, so I'm in pretty good shape as far as school is going.

For dinner I made some new mashed potatos and used leftover sheppards pie beef to create a brand new sheppards pie, which turned out sooooo freakin good, I'm really good at making that crap. I cooked some of my new veggies as well, nice amounts of broc and cauliflower, tossed in some butter, teragon, salt and pepper, and overall I really enjoyed my dinner. I watched Canada's Worst Driver with dinner, which is a show I enjoy watching every week for some reason.

I called Ben after dinner, after I had made my coffee, and we played a couple matches of StarCraft 2, and then just continued talking for an hour or so as I worked on homework and what have you. Ben and I are hanging out next Monday night, and then heading to the Cataclysm midnight release event at Futureshop, it should be a lot of fun.

I played some WoW with Michelle later on, just running a couple dungeons, once with my resto Shaman and once as dps with Marleficent. Running dungeons with Marle is super fun because I just tear shit apart, or if I'm healing, I can just press one button and no one ever gets hurt, but I'm maxed out on Justice Points (new thing.. think badges) so running the dungeons with Marle is pointless and I don't gain anything at all. I'm actually trying to play WoW more often, although I don't have as much free time as I used to, I think about playing more often than the last few months, so that's cool. I want to be back into the game by the time Cata comes out (which is one week), so playing one or two dungeons a day will help with that.

After WoW time was over, I took a sleeping pill, had a nice bath, and then sat down and watched tonight's Mythbusters that I had taped a few hours earlier. I started working on redesigning the visual layout of the backend panel of this website, specifically the form I use to add new entries (the one I'm on right now as I type this). I'm going to make it look better, have neat features like an automatically updating word count as I type, it will let me know if I'm using a title that already exists and so on, it's actually pretty fun and exciting, as I've been using this specific form for like.. four years, and when I first created it, it was just a rough draft basically, no features, no real layout beyond a table with a form in it, so having something new should make writing even more fun. Now it's been almost two and a half hours since I took the sleeping pill and it's getting to the point where I can even really think, so finishing this entry is actually really painful right now.

I'm going to hit Add entry, brush my teeth, turn the TV off and go to sleep in a comfortable bed and wake up at 9am. Have a good night everyone!

1472 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate

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