
Writing Photography Rambling

December 25, 2010 3:55AM

Christmas Eve!

Alright so the timestamp on this entry shows that it's Christmas, but it's really just late, late Christmas Eve! It's been a tiring, but decent day, followed by an enjoyable night followed by an physically uncomfortable but entertaining late night.

Work today was one giant prep period where basically from start to finish of my nine hour shift I just got ready for tomorrow's Christmas Dinner Buffet and Sunday Brunch. I wrote everything we needed for both days on the board and just tried my best to get it all done or organized or both! I managed to get everything done that I had wanted to, because the things that I had to leave were things that could only be done the same day, so I felt pretty good about that. I know that I can go in tomorrow without too much stress, although I'd like to go in with a bit of a plan, a plan that I've yet to figure out yet, because I've been busy and not caring, but I'm sure I'll figure it out on my way to work tomorrow... something like... get Kyle on all dessert related crap, and I'll do all other cold food, and then Jeff handles hot, and we're good, just have to get through tomorrow... just have to get.. through... tomorrow, and I can stop worrying, stop feeling stressed, stop having that horrible feeling in my stomach. I'm not really sure how bad tomorrow will be tomorrow at this point, it can be really smooth, really easy and fun, or it can be a run around, hell filled, terrible day, it all depends on everyones attitudes and how people are acting... very little of how tomorrow goes will have to do with food related things, almost all attitude related things. Here's hoping it goes quickly and smoothly...

After work today I was pretty damn tired... yawning constantly, small slight ache in the back of my brain, I could have probably fell asleep on the couch as soon as I got home, but I didn't, and instead I prepared deviled eggs and brie in phylo pastry, which didn't really take that long or anything, but it did require a bit of a push to get the energy that I needed to get it done after a long day of work. I also finished a couple gifts to Lindy (some spice rubs for Chicken) using my herb grinder that I had forgot to do the night before, so I got that out of the way before it was too late, and after that stuff was done, I just took a few minutes to finish cleaning up a couple things that needed cleaning, like the kitty litter, bringing the garbage out, and I also took that time to fix the stupid retarded motion light outside. You see, the path leading to the back of the house, as well as the stairs up to my house are covered in t his thick, unreal ice, that while are both dangerous and unbelievable, could dobule as a professional ice rink, and the light wasn't working so it was also pitch black on that slick, dangerous ice. For about a week or two the light had just stopped coming on , and I remembered it had stopped working a few times before, and it would just take a couple weeks off and eventually just start working again... and I didn't really know why. I tried waving my hands in front of it a few times but nothing happened, so I took a closer look, moved the switch back and forth to a few settings, but put it back to 1 minute time, and medium range, and voila, it just popped on and now the deadly ice was bright and visible for all people to see exactly what it was that broke their hips.

My Mom and Lindy came over around 7:00pm and I helped them bring in their bags of gifts and stuff, mainly so they wouldn't fall on the previously mentioned deadly ice. We sat around eating my wonderfully prepared snacks, including the eggs, brie, some ketchup chips brought by the family, listening to Christmas tunes by Dustin Kensrue and Sufjan Stevens, which is wonderfully wonderful by the way. We snacked and talked for about a half hour to an hour or so, I wasn't really keeping track of the time, I was more just enjoying the time and interacting with others. As time went by, it came time to exchange gifts, as that's the most fun, to see everyone smile, to see happy reactions and it really brings out the best emotions of the season, just to see if you made someone happy or excited or whatever, it's what I look forward to, and what's behind the entire idea of buying one or two things that weren't on a list created by the person, to still have some surprise and thought put into the process.

Some of the things I got as presents include a pair of awesome plaid old manish slippers that I may or may not have picked out while we were at Wal-mart buying shoes for me, but they're awesome none the less... I also got a couple sweaters/shirts from Michelle, Inception on Bluray from Michelle, a new backpack to replace my current backpack that is starting to get rips in it, some more practical gifts like plastic wrap, aluminum foil, clothes, sponges, bubble bath and deoderant... I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things but those were some of the high lights. I love the slippers, and I really like the one sweater I tried on and am excited to wear it to school and be warm, so that's cool.

What I got for my family for Christmas included the Andre Agassi biography book which I want to read myself, a wireless keyboard and mouse set for Michelle, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm for Michelle, a cordless kettle for Michelle because she makes tea all the time and I figured having a kettle that was a bit more high tech, a few more features, fit in with the other appliances and maybe warmed up faster than putting a aluminum kettle on the stove would be a good thing to get. I made some custom spices for Lindy as well as got her some canned beans, some sponges, bubble bath and some face cloths and hand towel. Other gifts for my Mom were some notebooks and pens, and other practical things as well.

During the time when the family was over, I got a bit of a sore mouth, I think it was from smiling a lot and laughing, which you know... isn't the worst thing in the world, but it did lead to me feeling pretty uncomfortable, not to mention I was yawning constantly, my sinuses blocked up completely and it just sucked. I managed to get through it though, and besides the fact that I'm super hungry right now, I feel okay... but I took a sleeping pill over an hour ago and I can barely keep my eyes open to type this, and I'm not exagerating, I'm basically just sitting here typing with one eye open because for some reason it makes me feel less tired... what the hell haha.

After the family left, and gave Ben a call as we made plans to play some World of Warcraft on Christmas Eve because I made the assumption that Michelle was leaving to go to her parents like she has other years, but she stayed home, so it kinda felt weird to play, but Ben was home and wanted to play, so I did, we got on vent and played from around 10:00pm to around 2:00, doing dungeons, doing quests and just having fun in general. We spent the last half hour just going over boxing day sales and ideas of when we want to go. I believe the idea is to go really early, like 6am or 7am and beat the huge crowds, which I'm okay with since I'm pretty used to getting up that early. My main goal is to aquire many many blurays for very little cost, and a secondary goal is to grab some games that I missed over the last year since I haven't really turned on my Xbox 360 since last December or January or something. It should be a lot of fun to go, and I look forward to it.

After shopping on Boxing Day, Lindy and Mom are coming over for a traditional nelson Christmas dinner, turkey, mashed potatos, veggies and so on, so I really look forward to that, as nothing beats an awesome holiday meal. After that, I've got a few days off work, and I'm still off school, so I finally have some time to myself come Sunday/Monday, and I'm really, really looking forward to that.

So again, tomorrow should be okay, it's me, Kyle, Jeff and Aaron, and I'm hoping it goes really well.

Tomorrow morning Mom and Lindy are coming over for Christmas brunch... which will be eggs cooked to their choice, hashbrows, bacon and toast, and it's going to be wonderful. I'm going to have an omelette and I think the others are having over easy, so it should be really easy to make hehe.

After Brunch, my Mom is driving me to work, and then she's picking me up afterwards. I really gotta go to bed now, because it's 4am and I have to get up for 10am tomorrow for brunch, to get things ready and actually be up, dressed and functioning. Today was a good day, hopefully tomorrow is good, and Boxing day is going to kick lots of ass, and I look forward to it. Goodnight everyone! and Merry Christmas!

1632 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


December 25, 2010

your mouth hurt from smiling and that's so cute! i'm glad you had a good evening and enjoyed all your prezzies! :)

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