
Writing Photography Rambling

August 07, 2005 12:00AM


A sober saturday night / sunday morning... how.. odd. Still enjoyed myself though... they played all the dissent themesongs, plus Take Me To The Hospital as per request, to which Cam 'broke it down' in the DJ booth vigoursly shaking his arms.. ooh good times.

Tomorrow Steve may be driving me to Toronto to see The Birthday Massacre and Lye, which will kick my ass. Of course it will be a sober adventure but that's okay.

On a seperate note... I'm exausted.. mentally and physically. I'm actually feeling calm inside, it seems my emotions have calmed for a bit now... maybe no more mania? Anyway... my heart seems to be at rest for now..

I'm gonna go lay down..

ps. Linzie (yes. thats how I spell it shithead) came out with me tonight, as did Michelle, now Linzie is on my couch and Michelle is sleeping away in da bed. I feel loooooved.

152 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • I worked at Stream


January 01, 2000
You bastards. I was having a seizure in the booth. Did no one hear me scream for help as I foamed at the mouth? You bastards. Sincerely, Cameron

January 01, 2000
i had so much fun last night and i intend on coming out as much as possible. so get use to me being on your couch! <3 lindsay

January 01, 2000
hello bunny. you punks should go to dissent a little earlier on thursday friday or saturday because I'm working till 11 but I miss you bitches so I wanna visit!

January 01, 2000
ahhh soberness and one hour of sleepingness. *sigh*

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