
Writing Photography Rambling

June 24, 2011 11:49PM

Words Under My Skin

Yeah, I know... all I ever write about is work, but I mean, when that's pretty much all I ever do, besides sleep, and write here, it kind of limits the topic of conversation. I will, once again, write about work, and you, my loyal reader(s) will enjoy and become engrossed in my tales of woe.

As I mentioned last night, I was considering going into work an hour early to have more time to do things, and I woke up and knew I would be going in, in fact, I kind of went to bed knowing I would go in early, I only said maybe as a weird lie to myself, or as a safety net in case I woke up with a headache or if I was super tired, I could go in at my normal time. I know it seems stupid to go in and work for free at a place that already exploits me by unlawfully removing 0.5 hours off of every shift I work that's over eight hours (which is every shift, so they take five hours per pay, if there are roughly 24 pay periods a year, they're taking about 120 hours a year, or stealing approx. $1500 a year from me. Yeah, I don't get breaks... if I did.. well, it's just not possible. I'm legally supposed to be getting 60 minutes, a FULL HOUR of break per larger-than-eight hour shift, and it's not even about the breaks, I don't care that I don't get breaks, I just care that they steal my money. The point of this story, is basically FUCK THEM.

I kind of got off track there, ugh... where was I. I don't even remember what I was going to say...

It seems weird to go in early for no pay, but I knew that it would only help me feel more organized and in fact it did turn out to be a big help. Between 6am and 7am, when I normally would've been on the bus, I got the entire lunch event done and out of the way, so that by 7am, I could be focusing on all the stupid, random ass shit that we had to do for this VIP reception type thing. Messing around with curried chicken in pita, deep frying perogies, breaded ravioli, cutting baguette, yeah, I don't really remember what else I was doing, but we had to have it all ready by 10am, which gave us (us being Jeff, Julie, Mark and Matt) not a lot of time to get it all organized and done.

It felt like a tornado of shit, just shit everywhere, no where to work, disorganized, hard to keep track of what was left to do, no master list, no co-ordination, ugh, it was not fun. When it was finally over, when Jeff, Mark and Matt went down to do the event (as it was not even in our building, it was down the hill in another building, so everything had to be drove down in a van through multiple trips)... things got a bit better. Julie left, as it was her day off and she had a lot of shit to do, and then we had a small chance to clean up a tiny bit, and I could start to organized myself.

There was only about two hours of peace, as around 2pm, Jeff returned with some food, and from there, more and more stuff came back, and the kitchen filled up with garbage, left overs, dirty dishes, all just placed randomly about. I spent the majority of the afternoon making the vegetable bundles for the two dinners (106 total I think) and then doing random things like making butternut squash and pear soup, white chocolate mousse and other crap I don't remember. I started to get really tired and not too happy near the end, and I wasn't going to stay late, well... I did... I stayed thirty minutes late just to finish the soup I was making and to clean up, and I got out of there at 4:30pm, caught the bus and took the long trip home.

When I got home, I had a salad with just mixed greens, mushrooms, radish and red onion with ranch, and then some spaghetti, all while watching the Shield. Afterward, I played some Uncharted 2, watched the season finale of Penny-Arcade: The Show, and played some Phantom Brave. As usual, I did my normal nightly routine of running a bath, putting on the morning stream while in the bath, then taking a sleeping pill and turning on Jimmy Fallon. Yay routine!

I don't work until 10am tomorrow, so I can stay up a bit later tonight, which would be why it's almost midnight and I'm just writing this now. Tomorrow there are two dinners again, but hopefully things will be more calm and organized, and I can just get work done and go home. I'm scheduled over dinner, which means I have to stay late, and then work at 7am on Sunday, so that's kind of a dick move, so... I'll just spend all my time trying to get brunch ready so Sunday doesn't suck too much. I hope that I'm in a good mood tomorrow, and that I don't get pissed or annoyed or frustrated, etc.

I'll probably go to bed by 1am, so that gives me like... seven hours of sleep, which is even more than normal, but we'll see if I make it that late. I'm sure I'll let everyone know how tomorrow goes...

921 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Michelle was my Roommate


June 25, 2011
Top paragraph is amazing. Disappoint no Brooklyn

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