
Writing Photography Rambling

July 14, 2011 10:30PM

In The Most Desolate Corner

Today was another chaotic, messy day.

I haven't really written much lately, so I guess I need to do a bit of catch up.

This week the cafe is under renovation - they're putting in a new floor and carpet, and as such, all cafe service is coming out of the main kitchen. This includes breakfast orders, hotel continentals, lunch service, pasta bar buffet, dinner service and all that jazz. So cafe staff are always in the main kitchen, prep is done there, and at the same time banquet stuff is happening, so there is less room, shit everywhere, people everywhere, it's terrible.

Today I got a call on the bus from Jeff letting me know that no one showed up for breakfast so I had to put out a breakfast buffet when I got there, which was okay, not too bad. On top of that, there was a BBQ (as there is every Thursday) and a pizza lunch. Those things, mixed with a lunch service, just made for a messy, unorganized kitchen, that felt claustrophobic and crazy.

I stopped off at Valumart on my way home from work, just picked up some asparagus, Coke and chicken so I could make dinner. I had decided earlier in the day that I wanted to take the time to make a nice dinner, since it had been a few days, and I had a beef tenderloin that was getting a bit old.. not too old, but old enough that I was starting to think about freezing it, but I figured cooking it was a better idea.

I made myself beef tenderloin on a portabello mushroom, and Michelle a chicken breast with a tomato cream sauce with diced black olives, and those were with mashed potatoes, asparagus and baby carrots.

After dinner I worked on Pandemic's website a bit, and eventually laid down on the couch to watch Fringe. I accidentally fell asleep through two of the episodes. I got up after, kinda woke up a bit, made popcorn and sat down to watch the Shield. I'll be heading to bed soon...

Work tomorrow should be pretty lame. There is a couple sandwich things, then a BBQ for 250 people at 11:30am that will suck balls, and then a gala at night that I'll have to get ready, so a lot of work, a lot of running around I'm sure.

396 words

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  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • Broken up but living with Michelle


July 14, 2011
mmm i loved that sauce! i would eat just the sauce if that was okay..

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