
Writing Photography Rambling

January 24, 2012 12:46AM

The Beauty in Loss

I have a headache. I'm tired. I feel weird, and I feel darkness moving in to my mind. I feel restless and antsy, but tired and exhausted. I want to be productive and creative, I want to play games and watch movies, I want to be social and embrace people, but I want to sleep, and brood and complain and over analyze and write out everything I'm thinking.

I woke up this morning feeling a little sad, not for any reason that should make anyone sad, but sad nonetheless. It didn't last long, it was just an initial gut feeling, a sort of instinct, but I got up and made coffee and toast, put on Sufjan Stevens as I browsed some sites and woke up. I got ready for work and caught the bus at 11am to get there for Noon.

Allen and I had a plated at 7:30pm... it was cream of mushroom and leek soup, insalata caprese, beef bourg with mashed potatoes, salmon with rice, both served with asparagus and carrots, and then lemon blueberry creme brulee's. We got it all prepared and ready to go very early on, probably about three or four hours ahead of schedule, and I then used the extra time to clean the fridge and the line, and take my half hour break for once.

Just as service was starting and we sent out the soups, the banquet captain comes in and tells us she took orders, something that shouldn't have happened in the first place, as the orders were determined ahead of time. We had our sheets, with the numbers, it was 24 beef and 3 salmon, that's what we prepped, and that's what we had the sauce and starch for, but I get handed a piece of paper that says 8 beef and 17 salmon and I was like... "Um.. no. We have numbers. You aren't supposed to ask them what they want, you give them what they ordered." but no... that was too difficult, so Allen and I had to scramble and get enough salmon to serve those numbers. Going from 3 to 17 isn't exactly some really simple thing. Allen had to remake the sauce, so he had enough for that many, which isn't the easiest (a buerre blanc) and I grabbed the salmon we had in the fridge and skinned two sides and cut them and threw them in the oven.

The plated went well and we had enough of everything, and once the food was out I had to start burning the brulee's, a process which I don't enjoy but did anyway. They turned out well - I actually surprised myself in how well they were burned and they tasted pretty good, with a nice consistency (in my opinion). It was about 9:00pm when everything was finally out, and then we spent the last 15 minutes just wiping down and putting everything away. Allen drove myself and Greg home and dropped Connor off at a bus stop near UWO, and that was my work day.

I got home and talked to my Mom on the phone, mostly about how it's Tidus' 11th BIRTHDAY TODAY! Yes, I know... exciting and awesome! Afterward, I had a snack (keeeetchup chips) and then ran a bath. After my bath, I sat down and just didn't really do anything, I just read stuff online and talked with people via text and watched the Daily Show and Colbert Report (eventually starting this entry) and now Conan is on.

I don't have to work tomorrow, but I really need to clean my place. There is so much cat fur sitting around the walls and stuff, it's gross and unsettling, plus the dishes and just generally untidiness of everything stops me from feeling 100% comfortable. I'll probably hit up the grocery store, and clean the place... you know, the normal day off routine, probably have a nice dinner, relax, play games... I think I'm going to play Halo Reach with Ben on legendary, which will be fun, a lot of fun I'm sure.

I don't think I'm ready to go to sleep yet, but I think I'm done writing. I obviously had more things to say... deeper, more self-analytical, thought provoking things, but... I'm... empty.

702 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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