
Writing Photography Rambling

May 25, 2012 1:08AM

Where The Old One Used To Be

While on a different day, the events that took place today could've made a relaxing day, I found today to be abnormally stressful and painful, to the point of near collapse at multiple points, both mental and physical. A combination of school work and resulting frustration and dissatisfaction, combined with a migraine that's been going up and down, worse to better to much worse to a bit better, and I guess it was mainly those two things that kind of ruined my day.

Yesterday was a normal day of school - well, maybe slightly abnormal, as both classes had assignments in them, one worth 6% and the other worth 10% or maybe 15%, I don't remember. The main idea was that it was an important day, and I kicked ass, and I'm sure I got perfect on the in-class assignment in Java. Anyway, I came home at some point, and I guess I was more tired than I had thought. Truth be told, I honestly don't remember coming home, or being home, or what I did and I barely remember making dinner or eating it, but I do know that finally at 7:00pm I laid down feeling like complete crap (and not really being sure why) and I guess I fell asleep almost instantly. I didn't wake up until 1am, at which point I tried to comprehend what had happened, deciding to eat a snack, as by that point I was quite hungry, and I just sat and played Diablo 3 for a little while, while I ate a bowl of all dressed chips, until 2am, and then went back to sleep. I continued to sleep, only waking up once or twice, to simply roll around and be confused as to why I was still tired, or still wanting to sleep, and slept until 10am. That's a fifteen hour sleep, minus the hour I was up earlier, but still... I guess I needed it, but I suspect it was also responsible for my migraine today.

As you can probably guess by the times listed above, I didn't get up and go to school today, but I chose that based on the fact that both classes today were available online as FanLive sessions, so I can simply attend class whenever I want, since they're recorded. However, I sat down to do the ASP work and just got so frustrated and so upset over it, I honestly felt like my blood was boiling and I was going to punch a wall and freak out... I tried twice, and had to stop both times because of how angry I was getting.

I won't go into it too much, but a lot of it has to do with the style of teaching, combined with the fact that our class is compressed into half the time as a normal class, so there is a shitload of work, no time to actually teach us the actual material, and I'm lost as far as how to figure things out on my own, so when I run into a problem, I can't figure out why things are doing what they're doing, how to go about fixing it, or what I can do. It's so frustrating feeling that helpless, and I hate it. I couldn't figure out this problem that I was having and I felt as though it was going to cause problems in the next class, so I wanted to figure it out before I watched and did the next class's material. Obviously I couldn't figure it out, and trying to figure it out only made me more and more mad, so I just had to finally close my laptop and tell myself, "NOT TODAY." I knew that if I kept trying today, I would just ruin my entire day.

The rest of the day was spent between reading Storm of Swords and playing Diablo 3 mostly, and as the day went on, my headache got worse and worse, eventually turning into what I would say is a migraine. Sharp pain behind my eyes, nausia, sensitivity to light and sound, and I just... for a while... couldn't move. I felt like I was dying, it was really terrible.

Anyway, enough of that talk...I finished Storm of Swords today, the longest book in the series (of the four I own anyway). It felt good, and it ended in a way that made me really excited, and I can't wait to start the next one, Feast For Crows. Now I just need to figure out if I want to finish Catching Fire, read another book, or simply start into Feast For Crows right away.

I played Diablo 3 for a bit with Ben tonight, and it was fun. It's easy to lose yourself in the game... well, I suppose it would be better to say, it's easier for me to lose myself in the game when I play with Ben, due to our talking, having fun and all that good stuff. When I play by myself, I sometimes lose interest or have attention issues, and can only play for twenty minutes before I have to go and do something else, but it works out. I played my hardcore Barbarian a lot today, and actually beat Act 2, the first character that I've done that one and it was a lot of fun. I went from not liking the barb, to really liking it, to liking it more again, and now I love it. So... to summarize, still having fun with Diablo 3.

Tomorrow is school at 12pm, then Danny Michel at night! Very excited and hoping, hoping and hoping that I don't get a headache or anything. Just want a nice experience with the family.

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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