
Writing Photography Rambling

June 08, 2012 8:31PM

Goodbye, So Long

I have way, way too much energy right now. I feel like I'm going crazy, or more accurately, I feel as though I am already crazy. I'm sitting here, full of energy, like, vibrating with energy. I'm jumping from task to task, feeling completely unsatisfied with any activity I take. I feel disinsterested in things, very short attention span, and I can't seem to bring myself to do anything productive, like clean. I go through this regularly, but it's never easy.

I've been switching between Diablo 3 and programming a lot, most afternoon, with a bit of movie watching in between. I just can't relax, and while all of the stuff I've done today would normally be considered relaxing by my standards, I just don't feel it. I feel hyper and crazy and just... loopy. All I want is some peace, some slow heart-rate, slow mind kind of experiences. It doesn't help that I'm also physically uncomfortable due to this retarded shitty cold I've caught, the fact that I'm constantly coughing or feeling as though I have something stuck in my throat, so I'm constantly clearing it, only making it hurt more and more.. ugh! So uncomfortable!

On a good note, Bekki planned a surprise trip to Canada's Wonderland for Monday, so that's exciting. We're renting a car, bringing a lunch and taking a trip to Wonderland to enjoy a day of rides and fun, and not having to worry about how we're getting there or how we're getting home. Hopefully it will be a freeing, fun filled day. It's coming up fast, so I really should finish my homework becuase I usually have Monday's to work on it, but I won't this week, so I'll probably do it tomorrow or Sunday after work. I know you're probably asking yourself, "Well, why don't you do it right now, Mr. High Energy?" Well... I tried, and I just couldn't concentrate properly, and kept getting distracted, and I just wasn't feeling it, so I stopped, and decided to do it later, and that's when I remembered I wouldn't have Monday to work on it, so now I've got to be sure to do it over the weekend (at least most of it, I still have Tuesday to do it too).

I have work tomorrow, from 7am to 3pm, and I'm assuming it will be a standard Saturday, which is getting breakfast out and then working on prepping brunch for the rest of the day until it's time to go home, which is kind of nice because it's almost entirely independant of anything or anyone else. I can just go in and do whatever I want, or whatever I need, and no one bothers me about it.

I can feel my headache coming back, and it's really annoying. I don't want to feel like poo anymore!

Today I watched Dodgeball and Duplex, two moderately funny movies.

Bekki is at work, and I'm trying to figure out how to feel less crazy. Reading in bed helped... I read a chapter of Feast for Crows, so maybe I'll go and do that a bit more. It'll be bed time soon, so I don't have that much more time to kill.

534 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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