
Writing Photography Rambling

June 08, 2003 12:54PM

Beautiful Lies

Well, let's see... Friday I went to see Finding Nemo, which kicked some major ass, just like most other Pixar films. The characters were great and I will most likely buy the DVD when it comes out... and I still want to buy Monsters Inc... yeah! I ended up spending $35 at Silver City on Linzie and myself, but I guess it was worth it... it was kinda like my birthday present to myself. Oh, speaking of which...

It's my birthday on Wednesday! Which... well, I'm kinda looking forward to this year. The last three years have been horrible, horrible experiences, and I've grown to hate my birthday. But.. this year is going to be different. Linzie has some plans for me, so I'm excited to see what she's gonna do and stuff...

I got my tution bill for Fanshawe, which is due by July 3rd and it's for $3289. I still need to buy a laptop and stuff, and I still have to pay for books and shit.. ah.. too much money. Screw that shit...

Linzie is at her Aunts right now having a lunch thing with her family.. it's where I should be right now, and I feel really bad now. When I woke up, I felt really sick (cause last night I had a splitting headache), so I told her I couldn't go, cause of my bad headache, but my headache is almost gone dow and I only feel neasious once and awhile... so I feel really guilty for not going and I just hope she's not mad at me or disappointed in me or anything.

Tomorrow I'm going to the big Value Village 50% off everything sale, so I'll be sure to tell you all about what I get. Um.. other than that, I'm just waiting for Linzie to get home and come over and I'm listening to Stabbing Westward while I'm waiting.

Oh yeah, and I have no toilet paper in my house (except for the one Linzie brought over because I had none) because no one told me we were almost out and no one told me that the one roll we had left was almost gone and... I don't know, I don't think I should be completely responsible for everything imaginable around here.. I mean holy shit. But anyway... talk later.

385 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Linzie
  • I worked at Pizza Hut

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