
Writing Photography Rambling

August 08, 2012 10:54PM


Today was a busy, irregular day. I was out and about, physically active, and didn't do much of anything I normally do.

After lunch I rode my bike to my Moms, where I helped set up her new computer, and eventually made dinner (mexican rice and chicken) and Bekki joined us when she was done work. From there we rode our bike to the path near the river and played catch for a bit before accidentally throwing the ball in the river. We decided to ride to the store to get some more balls and look at other sports equipment.

We rode to Canadian Tire south of Westmount, got some tennis rackets, some baseballs and what have you, and then rode back home. All in all I biked over 20km today, and I feel pretty good.

It's been quite awhile where I've felt good, and it's strange. Maybe something has changed, or maybe I'm just heading towards a bit drop, who knows? Lots of plans for the future, and it's nice.

I'll write more about it later... I always say that... one of these times I'll actually do it.

Tomorrow is school, then dinner, then maybe tennis after dinner.

Things are good, Bekki is amazing, and I feel good.

209 words

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  • I was dating Bekki
  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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