
Writing Photography Rambling

June 26, 2013 10:26PM

Avenge Me

I get so worked up inside about work, and it doesn't even really have anything to do with me, beyond one of the "new rules" but it just pisses me off so much when they create new rules out of no where, with no research into the legality of rules, nor the effects it may have on day to day operations. With such shifty business practices, it enrages me that they're so arrogant to think that no one that works for them in smart enough to see what slimey people they are. Taking 30 minutes off of each shift I work for some imaginary "break" and looking the other way is dispicible, and I've personally lost thousands of dollars over six years from this, and they have no issues with threatening to hold back wages if... property is damaged, bills are voided without a manager, items on an order aren't accounted for. They have no problem by-passing the smart serve system that is LEGAL in Ontario to better suit THEIR needs as a business. It makes me so mad inside that they think so little of the people that work for them, because I deserve to be treated better, and so does everyone else there. The cherry on top would be the way that most managers talk down to staff, or are just downright insulting and rude, to the point of... if they talked to someone like that outside of work, they would most likely be phsyically assaulted.


I was having a very nice day... a very nice day. I did a few chores, to ease my mind, my guilt, my energy. I cleaned the bathrooms, and did all the dishes, and cleaned up the ol' dog poop. I played some games... Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Tactics A2, Final Fantasy 8, and Uncharted 3. I took Ashe to the dogpark (with Bekki) and took some photos. I watched The Avengers, watched a lot of Slice on TV (Till Debt Do Us Part, Property Virgins, other random house shows) and had pad thai for dinner.

The Avengers was pretty good... I didn't see it for the longest time because I still haven't seen Captain America, Thor, Iron Man 2 or The Hulk, so I felt like I was missing the parts that made up the whole, but I finally just gave in and watched it because it was on Demand. It was enjoyable enough, although not my favorite super hero movie, and I think the reason is because... my favorite comic book stories are... people or teams with super or extraordinary powers or abilities, in a normal world. The stories revolve around how they use those powers, interact with normal people, and what those consequences are and so on. But in The Avengers, the enemy is a demi-god, the enemy uses an alien army from outer space... suddenly these people, these super-heroes don't seem so super. Everyone everywhere had super powers or super abilities and nothing really felt special, it was just kinda... overload. I love movies like the X-Men and the 2000 Spiderman, where it's about one or a few people discovering they have powers in an otherwise perfectly normal world, and how that effects them and what happens, I find that neat. Too much over the top stuff kinda ruins the fantasy for me.

I guess I feel a bit better now. I think I may go lay in bed now.

569 words

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  • I lived on Osgoode.
  • I worked at Windermere
  • I'm married to Bekki

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