
Writing Photography Rambling

December 23, 2005 12:00AM

A Good Night Maybe?

This is just a little update, since I plan on making a real one tonight or tomorrow, but I thought I'd just throw up a quick entry.

I spent today at my Sisters with my Mom and Linzie... I cooked them a nice roast chicken dinner and we just hung out and exchanged gifts for Christmas and had a good time all around... a really good time.

Mark finally got his giant, cheque (thousands of dollars) from his pension from his old job, so tonight he's taking me out to dissent. to get my drink on, and he'll keep feeding me them until I can't take anymore, which is going to be fun since I haven't been drunk drunk in months and months.

So I guess I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a good day so far, and it looks like I'm going to have a good night hanging out with Mark and Ann! SCORE!

159 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


January 01, 2000
today was good, thank you for bringing me. i need to come over soon and play more SSX. i'm craving it...

January 01, 2000
i guess i could have fed you more. but since you puked and i ran outta cash i sure wasnt going backt ot he bank machine haha i could have used more pizza though. mmmm pizza. im goin to gnios!

January 01, 2000
omg you puked? like...where? in a toilet I hope! aaaahhha they must hate us there.

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