
Writing Photography Rambling

December 23, 2011 11:43PM

Hopeful Suicide

Christmas is just a couple days away, and much like the last few years, Christmas is the least significant day relative to the two days that sandwich it. Christmas Eve being the night the family comes to my house to exchange gifts and eat snacks, spend time together and listen to Christmas music; Boxing day being the day the family comes over for dinner and we have our traditional Christmas dinner as a family.

A lot of, or I could say all of the preparation comes down on me, which is fine, I'm glad to take on that pressure, that responsibility. I think I'm good at it, and everything generally goes well, so it feels good to execute something properly. What snacks to have on Christmas Eve, what to cook for dinner on boxing day, the timing of it all, the shopping lists and paying for stuff, it's a lot to plan out and I think the majority of it is behind me. I've finished all my gifts, wrapping and organizing, that's all done so that feels good.

The next step is to prepare the snacks for tomorrow night, the Christmas Eve gathering. I've planned out what I'm going to be preparing and bought what I needed, but I can't prepare the stuff until the day of, and since I have to work, and the family is coming over right after work, I need to get it all done and ready in about an hour, which is going to be tight, but I know I can do it. I won't write what I'll be preparing, just in case someone reads it, I don't want to spoil the surprise! There are about four things I guess, and being able to get it ready in time is what's on my mind right now.

For Christmas dinner, on Boxing day, we decided to do something different this year, just because we had turkey for Thanksgiving not so long ago, and I had wanted to mix it up and somehow work beef into the menu, so we won't be having turkey this year. I'll be serving cream of potato cheddar to start, followed by beef tenderloin with a portabello mushroom, served on mashed potatoes, with asparagus and baby carrots, and a mocha creme caramel for dessert.

I watched 500 Days of Summer this evening and it's a wonderfully romantic, tragic, hopeful, sad, happy movie, and it made me want to kill myself.

So I've got to work tomorrow from 9 to 5, but I think it'll be fine. It's going to be mostly prep for Christmas, so should go by fairly quickly. I've got gifts for Jon and Julie, so I gotta bring those in, and then once I'm done work I gotta go home and get all that stuff ready.

I feel pretty sick right now... headache and sick to my stomach, so I may go and lay down soon.

484 words

  • I lived on Langarth St.
  • I worked at Windermere

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