
Writing Photography Rambling

August 15, 2004 3:24AM

Refreshing Sleep... Awake to Panic.. Lay me to Rest

Shortly after I wrote that previous entry, Jess came online (Michelle's sister) and she actually did a decent job of cheering me up, without even knowing I was down, which makes it that much more appreciated, because she was just naturally nice to me, it had nothing to do with pity. Anyway, she wanted to send me a lot of pictures, because her and Michelle just recently bought a new computer with a webcam, so they've been going nuts with the pictures and obviously I want to see them.. all, as I am an official stalker and such. So I took her through step by step proceesses of downloading WinZip, installing it, cracking it with a crack I downloaded, then creating a zip file, than navigating to their photo directory, than selecting all (CTRL-A) and then adding them. Once that was done, I had to show her how to send it over MSN. These girls know nothing about computers, that much was obvious, but I enjoyed helping them because now if they want to do something like that again, they easily could. I wouldn't mind helping either of them learn more about Windows or whatever, because they caught on fast and didn't frustrate me.. all you other people, no dice. back away.

Obviously as soon as I finished recieving the XXX MJ zip file (the 300+ pictures of my two girls), I looked through them, smiling the whole time of course, because they're so damn cute. Oh lordy, there were so many cute pictures, I want to put them all on my site, but I'm afraid that might take up some space :P So you'll probably notice two or three spread around this entry, as my secret ode to them, because they oh so deserve it. I even taught Michelle how to change the resolution of her pictures as she takes them! So now they're the much better 320x240 res, rather than the tiny 160x120, which is too small in my opinion. You can barely make out the picture... so hopefully lots of great pictures will be showing up in
both of their journals [Michelle's Journal] - [Jess's Journal].

Oh! Funny story! .. or sad. hah. I slept, sitting up. Funny.. hah. okay, so that's not the funny part. You see, I had the pillows set up so I could lean back and sit up and play Final Fantasy 6, which I was doing, until I fell asleep in the middle of a fight... haha. wow.. I woke up and my party was dying, so I finished the fight, and turned off the PS2 and then say/layed back down (sorta sitting up) and I fell back asleep instantly... (with Billy Talent playing really loud... yes.. pointless fact. blow me) and I slept for about two or three hours, but when I awoke, I had drool all over the right side of my mouth and chin.. and then when I got up, I noticed I had drool on my neck! hah! It must've been because I was sitting up sleeping, it just kinda poured out of my mouth like some kind of super faucet. I thought it was kind of funny... until I looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:10am and Emily was still not home. She went to Allys to dye her hair at 6pm, and told me she would be back around 9 or something, so I said okey dokey! Then when I got home from hanging out with Julia, it was still before when Emily was supposed to get home, so I didn't think anything of it, then I fell asleep.. BUT, when I woke up and she still wasn't here, I thought busses stopped running at 11 or 11:30 cause it was Saturday, so I was freaking out and almost crying and really scared, I thought she had been raped and/or murdered by wolf men or a fairy or something, and I hastely texxt messagededed Allys phone and she called me and told me Emily was on her way home on the last bus.. and I was relieved. After I knew she was okay, I just went on the computer, and talked to the Michelle, and taught her to send me pictures on MSN, and change the resolution of the pictures she took.

After Emily got home, shortly after I called and found out she was still alive, I played Final Fantasy 6 some more (I'm right near the end now.. I'm just doing all the side quests I can think of, and then building my characters up, gathering great equipment and so on, and then I'll beat it. I think I might wait for Emily to beat it before I do, just so I don't wreck the story for her, and, so we can start her next RPG together, even though I've already started Final Fantasy 4, which I will be playing regularly once I finish 6... so I guess I just compeltely shot down my own idea.. dammit, I hate when I do that.

I guess I should talk about last night... The Fetish Masquerade show. Before hand, Emily had talked to Teresa about Teresa paying for Emily to get in, so the plan was to get all ready and then go to Teresas, predrink, and then head to the show, and that's pretty much exactly how it went. Emily and I got ready pretty quickly, as we were under time constraints due to be slaves to the horrid bus system in this town, and then we headed to Teresa's, where there were lemons and ritz crackers, and I brought along the rest of my tequila; sharing it with Emily, and finishing the rest off myself. Teresa was coming later on in the night, so we said see ya later and headed for the bus (ran for the bus.. in platforms, after drinking.. lots of.. not funness going on there). We barely caught the bus.. only had a couple seconds to stand around and wait, and we were off to the Dissent (formerly The Rage). When we got there, I ran into Dave first, who quickly promised to not only PLAY Tokyo Pop, but also dedicated to MOI (that's right, ME) which was funny and I laughed (like this: haha.) and I just sorta chatted with Dave about a few things, like the rest of the boy disappaering completely, and a couple OTHER things. Ally arrived shortly after and we went and got Lollys with Kate, Denny and Conjuring Demons Guy (i think he came anyway.. I was buzzed, how the hell was I supposed to know) and Kate bought me a giant red tootsie pop! YAY! Some time went buy and eventually the rest of the band showed up. Amos was wearing a Manitolin Island shirt, which was funny. Kurt was a barbarian of course, and Owen entered with Sarah (who was wearing garders.. I just noticed by accident GOD GET OFF MY BACK!) and all was well in the land of the fairies.. okay wait, what the hell am I talking about? Let's just fast forward to the performance shall we? Well I guess I should mention a few things... Dave handed me a camera before the show started and told me to take pictures of him rocking out, and take pictures of him with people he likes, as opposed to the many people he so obviously dislikes.. *cough*notmentioninganynames*cough*. So I was on camera duty for the show, so I got up close.. well, like always anyway, I was pretty much one foot on the stage, one foot tapping on the ground. I'm sure you people are sick of hearing my reviews of the fetish masquerade shows by now, because they're all pretty much the same things that I write. but.. here it goes anyway.

My boys, who will most likely not be known as The Fetish Masquerade any longer.. (more details on that soon I'm sure), put on one of the greatest shows I've ever experienced, again and again, only rivaled by an Alexisonfire show, or an AFI show, but holy shit, if they keep on working at it, and touring, and really get into what it is they're doing, they'll match and surpass those shows and be a hit everywhere. Dave's vocals are getting better and better, and I noticecd he screamed, near the end mostly, of a couple songs, which I'm sure was part of the song, but he's doing a muh better, clearer job of it now, which really helps convery some emotion and energy, straight into the crowd, it really was impressive on his part to let it out like that. Kurt showed high energy as usual, but also showed some excellent back up vocals, which were presnt at Call The Office, but his mic wasn't turned up enough to hear it, but last night it was at a perfect volume, and as I started before, his back up vocals really added some feeling, some energy to the songs. They're getting much more able to convey the emotions of the songs towards the crowd, to let it be known, to hear the aggressivness and feeling that was felt when writing the lyrics. Although for a couple songs, Owens bass was up a little loud, obviously that wasn't his fault, and it didn't take anything away from the show, I just couldn't help but notice it, especially on Lovesick Nation. Owen always brims with pure energy... he definitley has an amazing stage presence, thrashing around, running into Dave or Amos, slamming down on the keyboard to piss Amos off, jumping, throwing himself around, it shows that he's in the 'zone', I saw him lipping the lyrics as Dave sang, which only furthuer enhanced his own performance, because it showed he was really into it, and that let the crowd get even more into it, and that's key.. it the band seems to be having a blast, the crowd is much more likely to join in and feed off their energy. Amos was in a much better mood this show than he was at the CTO show.. for one, his keyboards were plugged in and ready to go, which I reminded him and Owen to check before they started. He showed some energy, which is something for Amos, as quite a few times he wouldn't really let out that much energy, quite a bit less than the other boys, but this time he goofed around a bit, was more playful and you could tell he was enjoying himself. Everyone played amazing, songs like Lovesick Nation, Born of Glass and of course, Tokyo Pop, were played flawlessly and delivered with great showmanship, emotion, effect and ROCK AND FUCKING ROLL. My boys rock and they should be headlining any show they ever play, because the second they leave the stage, the energy goes way down and it seems like it should be the end of the show because their performance is that powerful.. and I guess that's the review of the actual show. I did a tiny little stupid review that I posted on their message board which you can check out, but it's not actually a real review... I'm thinking I just might copy and paste this paragraph into a post over there. [Check Mini-Review]

I had to leave the show early which did not like one bit... I didn't even get a chance to see the headliners, who I've heard mixed things about, but still wanted to see for myself. I had leave all my friends, my boys... it sucked. I was getting a ride with Teresa and her friend, which is why I had to leave when they wanted to... but I mean.. it's a bar.. you don't leave a bar until it closes, that's just the rule! So.. I said goodbye to everyone.. Amos requested a hug, which he recieved.. breifly before he raped me, and off I went home.

Tomorrow, Michelle is taking me to see Fareinheight 9/11 at Raindbow Cinemas, for only 3.50, and she's also gonna buy me soaked buttery popcorn, and a drink, cause she's sweet and loooooooves me. I'm actually quite excited... All day I was wanting it to be today so I could get out and go to a movie... *sigh* I want it to be tomororw!! hehe.. I'm a loser.. yes.. but I likes the movies.

I was supposed to go to a wedding today, which is why I left early from the show last night, instead of going to the after party like I usually do (if there is on that is, with the boys being homeless and all, it's kind of difficult to have a party), but I changed my mind in the morning because chances are I wouldn't see my cousin Brian at the wedding, except for when he's standing and we're all watching, and I wouldn't get to talk to him, or tell him how I was proud of him, or enjoy myself as my mom wanted me to go as someone else, rather than myself, because apparently I'm an embarrasement and something worth covering up. I decided that I was just going to write Brian a long email with my feelings, as I'm sure it would be a much more personal message in itself, since it's face to face (so to speak), rather than stupid mingling at a party, where he's too busy to even listen to what I say... So I just stayed home and I played a lot of Final Fantasy 6... im now right near the end, I just have to get everyone strong enough to scale Kefka's Tower... which will take a long time. It's really quite fun.. hehe.. I'm doing everything on a much lower level than I normally do, which makes it refershingly challenging, which is nice of course, since I know this game off by heart. So.. I'm using more random teams, spells I didn't use that much, going places in different orders, fighting different areas and so on.. makes it fun!

I ended up going to Pizza Hut at 2:30pm to spend some time with Julia, and stock up on free pizza and pop, because I'm more or less completely out of any food or any drink and I'm desperately in need of food.. for example yesterday Emily and I split a bag of old ritz crackers that Teresa had laying around for our daily meal. So I hung out with Julia, and joked around, progressivly making an ass out of my self more and more as time went one, and eventually Geoff got there at 4:00pm and I cooked a large, half mushroom (brand new, fresh mushrooms, white as snow) and half ham (ewwww ham!), and took home six pepsi's and two dr. peppers (there are only two left now.. holy crap I was thirsty) and home I went. When I got home, Emily told me that she was going to Allys at the 5:56 bus, so I called Julia back and told her that I would bus back to Pizza Hut when Emily left, and I'd go with her to the LCBO, cause she wanted me to go.. so that's what I did. I ate quickly, and left again pretty much right away. When I got there, we left for the LCBO, and got gas first.. it's so fun driving with Julia, cause she's as scared of everything as I am.. and we headed to LCBO where I tried to help her pick out something to drink and she ended up not listening to anything I said hehe.. she settled on some Cocanut crap.. *shudder* ewww, and then we decided to go to Wal-Mart to get some pineapple juice, as the grocery store closed at 6pm. So we wandered around Wal-Mart a bit, bought some hair product and the juice and then Julia decided she wanted Quiznos Sub, so we went there, and she ate and I sat.. and she eventually finished, we went to the car and she drove me home, even though I wanted to help her with her homework, but I totally don't blame her for not wanting to hang out with me... first of all, I'm annoying, and I'm a creep. so.. that's good reason enough.. the fact that I'm insane only adds problems to the situation. hehe..

On Friday, I had a job interview at GNC Communications, for a technical support position, which I think went really well. I would work in the call center department, but it's a small company.. only 65 employees in total, including the management, and I would give out freeform technical support based on a variety of subjects. What free form means, is that I wouldn't follow a lame textbook type thing.. where: if client says this: say this. I just get the resources I need to figure out the solution and I go about it my own way, which is awesome.. it seems really scary, but I think once I do it a few times I'd be great at it. The funny party is, that it's right above the Dissent (the rage)! hah, I laughed to myself.. that would be so cool.. the interview went really well, except I'm worried that they might hire someone who is much more technilogically knowledgeable because of experience... but I hope they give me a chance. It's full time and starts at 9.50 an hour! Ohh. i want it so bad. Speaking of interiews, I also have an interiew at Best Buy for the software and games section, so wish me luck on that one, because I really wouldn't mind that job either.

I'm pretty sure that's all I can handle to write right now... my head is getting all blury from my one sleeping pill (i have one more left.. *sigh*). I DO actually have a bit more to talk about but I suppose it can wait... You just wait! I bet you can't! I bet you'll pee yourself!! Twice! Okay.. stop peing yourself.. sick fucking bastards..

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