
Writing Photography Rambling

August 14, 2004 7:53PM

Sick Little Suicide

It's times like this I wish I could disappear. It's times like this when I wish I could wake up as someone else, disappear, be forgotten and erased. I wish I wasn't such a coward a few months back. I'm not funny, I'm not cute, I'm not stylish, nor am I attractive. I'm not clever, or witty. I am a complete moron, with no above average intelligence, no talent and no passions. I am nothing short of a complete failure in every regard. I disappoint all whom I come in contact with, and at times disappoint those who never even come near me. I hate myself and who I am. I am weak, unimportant and disgusting. I am a fool, and I will never forgive myself. ... sometimes.. the truth fucking hurts.

131 words

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  • I lived with Ben on Cartier
  • I was with Emily


January 01, 2000
jordan buddy you know that you are an amazing person and none of those things you said was true. you have so much to be happy about, and you have awesome friends who are here for you when you need us. you mean alot to everyone you know, and if people dont

January 01, 2000
I love you

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