
Writing Photography Rambling

August 14, 2006 1:00AM

Good Evening

I've just finished watching The Daily Show and Colbert Report, enjoying a bagel and cream cheese and strawberry-kiwi juice, and then a quick bath and an episode of Arrested Development, and now I'm waiting to become tired so I can lay down and fall asleep to Alexisonfire.

Today was a pretty good day, and tomorrow I expect to wake up somewhat early (to rain most likely, if my pain is any indication) and clean up a bit, have a nice lunch, and then do various things involving keyboards and remotes, like write stuff, watch stuff and listen to stuff.

At some point Linzie is going to come over so I can show her how to customize Adium, because I really don't want to do it over MSN or e-mail, since it's just so much easier to just show, and talk, and point. I assume she'll only stay for a bit, enough time for me to show her the stuff, and other than that, I don't really have any plans.

Tomorrow is Monday, so I have new episodes of The Daily Show, Colbert Report and Lucky Louie to watch, which is exciting.

I think I'm going to go through my collection of pictures taken between the day I lost the internet and today, and post some of the good ones... maybe three or four. I'm sure I have a few, specifically ones Mark took, cause he took like.. a thousand, cause he's crazy. I just have to be unlazy and feel like actually using GIMP.

I'm feeling rest-y enough to lay down to watch one more Arrested Development, then try to sleep methinks. You'll hear from me tomorrow... farewell for now.

280 words

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  • I lived on Grey St.
  • Michelle was my Roommate


August 15, 2006

Daily Show, Colbert and Luky Louie rocked last night!

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